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Friday, 2 March 2012

BREAKING: Carr new Foreign Minister

Breaking News

Former NSW Premier Bob Carr to be become a Senator and the Foreign Minister

Rudd backer Robert McClelland dumped to backbench

Interestingly, only two days ago Prime Minister Gillard said newspaper reports about Mr Carr's potential appointment were ''completely untrue''
Another lie from the PM?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Virgin Airlines makes consumers pay

Virgin Australia is set to charge passengers as much as $6 extra for domestic flights due to the world's largest carbon tax.. That $10 a week worth of compensation a is fast vanishing.

Tim Flannery, Tim Flannery where are you?

Chief Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery, who famously said ''even the rain that falls isin't going to fill our dams and river systems'' must be feeling stupid at the moment. So must the Sydney Morning Herald after declaring ''This drought may never break''.
After all, Sydney's Warragamba Dam is now nearing 100% capacity.The SES even ironically warned of flooding for the Hawkesbury-Nepean area if the dam spills over. Given the location of Flannery's waterfront home, he may be sandbagging.

NBN Price Blowout - What a surprise

The NBN which is already costing taxpayers nearly $40 billion, is now set to cost consumers at least $73 a month for the most basic service. Tell me, why are we building the NBN again?

Monday, 27 February 2012

Mark Arbib's Sudden Departure

Mark Arbib suddenly departed from his Senate seat today, despite his future career prospects due to his part in the knifing of Kevin Rudd
Aged only 40, he's young and was said to be ambitious.
Rumours have it he resigned over the Craig Thomson affair or questionable business dealings.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Your thoughts?
With David Cameron's Left-Right Coalition falling apart, this is yet another reminder of the dangers of forming minority governments with a broad range of views. Cameron's Conservative Party sold it's soul to the Lib Dems to get into power. The Conservative Party has changed since the days of Lady Thatcher. The party now supports gay marriage, carbon taxation, the EU and House of Lords Reform. It even panders to terrorists in Northern Ireland such as Gerry Adams With this little surprise
On this eventful day in Australian politics, an idea popped into my head. Again.
Due to the lack of honest rusted-on conservative bloggers in the country, why not start a new blog to hold the left to account.
True, I'm only young, but some of the most honest words come from our young, and our political outsiders.
Please visit often to read my thoughts and share your thoughts.

The Young Conservative