Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen is continuing to shame Australia overseas, due to his appalling behaviour in relation to the granting of a visa to senior Dutch MP, Geert Wilders.
Whilst Mr Bowen immediately granted a visa to British Islamofacsist and hate cleric Taji Mustafa, he had deliberately sat on Mr Wilders application for three weeks. Whilst Mr Mustafa had called for the overthrown of democracy and Western values, Mr Wilders, the leader of the third-largest political party in The Netherlands has simply dared to speak against Islamic fundamentalism.
When questioned over his decision to grant Mr Mustafa a visa, Mr Bowen said 'I conduct myself, in relation to the character test, in accordance with my responsibilities under the act. To do otherwise would be to open the Commonwealth to potential overturning of the decision and a potential very serious compensation case' He also defended Mr Mustafa, saying he was 'not a member of a proscribed organisation and does not have a criminal record'
The Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has been forced to intervene and try to assist Mr Wilders, whilst Australia has received negative attention right around the world.
Mr Bowen must stop posturing and be consistent.
Meanwhile, a petition has been set up to call on Mr Bowen to follow his own standards, and grant Mr Wilders a visa.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Media Watch caught out
Media Watch and their champagne socialist host Jonathan Holmes have been caught out trying to pull a hatchet job on Ray Hadley.
The Daily Telegraph reported one of the 10-15 staff who produce 13 minutes of television a week was monitoring Ray Hadley morning after morning and ignoring the ABC.
Read on to view the amusing hatchet job gone wrong:
The Daily Telegraph reported one of the 10-15 staff who produce 13 minutes of television a week was monitoring Ray Hadley morning after morning and ignoring the ABC.
Read on to view the amusing hatchet job gone wrong:
Gay activist says: bestiality OK
In 2008, leading gay activist Frank Kameny declared bestiality was acceptable. He wrote '
"Bestiality is not my thing. But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should."
This proves Cory Bernadi was absolutely spot on. Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal elites are opening the door to truly vile behaviour. Concede on one thing, and soon you'll have to concede on more.
"Bestiality is not my thing. But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should."
This proves Cory Bernadi was absolutely spot on. Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal elites are opening the door to truly vile behaviour. Concede on one thing, and soon you'll have to concede on more.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Oakeshott betrays electorate. Again.
In May this year, Rob Oakeshott, the MP propping up the Gillard Labor/Green Government was asked in an interview with The Sun Herald about homosexual marriage.
The paper reported he is a self-described 'social progressive'. It also reported
'He said that his electorate has made it clear it thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, and therefore he would vote against reforms in favour of gay marriage unless lobbyists could somehow change his community's sentiment'
Yet despite that, yesterday Mr Oakeshott walked into Parliament and voted for the failed gay marriage push, which was defeated 98-42.
Oh, Rob. Did GetUp and Australian Marriage 'Equality' miraculously 'change community sentiment' in those months? Yeah right.
Rob Oakeshott is an untrustworthy liar. He says one thing, and does the exact opposite. He joins the Nationals to get a safe seat, and stabs the party in the back. He deserves what is coming for him, which is losing his seat by a massive margin at the next election.
The paper reported he is a self-described 'social progressive'. It also reported
'He said that his electorate has made it clear it thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, and therefore he would vote against reforms in favour of gay marriage unless lobbyists could somehow change his community's sentiment'
Yet despite that, yesterday Mr Oakeshott walked into Parliament and voted for the failed gay marriage push, which was defeated 98-42.
Oh, Rob. Did GetUp and Australian Marriage 'Equality' miraculously 'change community sentiment' in those months? Yeah right.
Rob Oakeshott is an untrustworthy liar. He says one thing, and does the exact opposite. He joins the Nationals to get a safe seat, and stabs the party in the back. He deserves what is coming for him, which is losing his seat by a massive margin at the next election.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Barry O'Fail stabs Tony Abbott in back
NSW Premier Barry O'Fail has stabbed Federal Coalition leader Tony Abbott over gay marriage, the same day the Parliament voted gay marriage down 98-42. Mr O'Farrell, better known by the public as Mr O'Fail (after 18 months in office, 4 out of 10 don't know him), revealed he would give NSW Liberal members a conscience vote on gay marriage in the NSW Parliament, which is a federal issue. Under sections s51xxi and s51xxii of the Constitution, the Federal Government is given power over 'Marriage and divorce'
Yet arrogant, out-of-touch NSW mp's, including Nationals MP Trevor Khan and Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith evidently believe after only 18 months in office, they have already fixed the mess left by Labor during it's 16 years in office. They have fixed roads, health and everything else, and now, bored witless they have started tacking Federal issues, in breach of the Constiution.
Yet arrogant, out-of-touch NSW mp's, including Nationals MP Trevor Khan and Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith evidently believe after only 18 months in office, they have already fixed the mess left by Labor during it's 16 years in office. They have fixed roads, health and everything else, and now, bored witless they have started tacking Federal issues, in breach of the Constiution.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Duke and Duchess to visit
Exciting news: The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are to visit Australia from 5-10 November.
It is expected that Charles and Camilla will visit Longreach, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra
It is expected that Charles and Camilla will visit Longreach, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra
Wrong, Google. Search engine thinks Oakeshott, Windsor have principles
Google has mistakenly listed the political party of Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor as 'National Party of Australia'. Of course, the two traitors betrayed their voters by backing the Gillard Labor Government instead of the Conservative Coalition, that their respective electorates overwhelmingly preferred, as Senate results show: Lyne, New England. Both are not members of The Nationals, which of course is part of the Conservative Opposition. Both are Independents.
Top Tory's bitter UKIP rant
Tim Montgomerie, the editor of Conservative Party blog, conservativehome has published a bitter and smart alec rant about UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, Britains's only true right-of-centre conservative party. Mr Montomerie, a pro-modernising, pro-Cameron party hack who makes a fortune from his blog was commenting on the decision of UKIP to change its logo. Mr Montgomerie wrote ''My naughty suggestion would be a backdoor to signify the route by which pro-EU Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs get elected when UKIP divides the Eurosceptic and centre right vote'' He also suggested 'perhaps a drawbridge for the elements within the party that want the rest of the world to go away'
The comments on this article have been overwhelmingly negative. One reader humorously suggested 'A crappy green oak tree with a blue trunk? Oh, that's taken', in reference to the rather poor logo of the British Conservative Party that looks like the work of a Kindergarten student or drunk Young Tory.

Mr Montgomerie fails to grasp a number of issue here, which really isin't surprising for a hyped-up spin doctor. Firstly, if the Conservative Party had a serious Eurosceptic policy and their leader, Mr Cameron hadn't broken his 'cast-iron' pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, AKA the European Constitution, UKIP wouldn't be quite so effective. And European Parliament elections are held using proportional representation, which I assume dear Tim is not aware of. In terms of the dumb first-past-the-post system used in elections to the House of Commons, Montgomerie opposed the introduction of a different system, with the slur that it 'wasn't British'. Why should people vote for an inferior party, just to stop Labour winning? The inferior party should change and better represent people.
If it wasn't for their weak Eurosceptic policies, the Tories would be in majority Government today. This is evidenced by the result in Morley and Outwood, which the Conservatives lost by 1,101 votes. UKIP received 1,505 votes.
Of course, these policies and failures are not the only mistakes of the Conservative. Their support for carbon taxes, homosexual marriage, support for 'frequent flyer' taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe, climate change extremism, huge foreign aid spending during austerity, government healthcare, supporting mass immigration including illegal asylum seekers, opposition to selective schooling amongst other views, which contrast with UKIP and Australia's Conservative party, the Liberal Party
Maybe the real reason Montgomerie is trying to smear UKIP is the fear of more defections. Since he wrote his smart-alec article, Lord Stevens, a former Tory sitting in the House of Lords has defected as has a senior Tory councillor. More defections are likely. The Conservative Party is dying a slow death, having lost the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections. The 2010 elections resulted in a hung Parliament. It should also be noted the Tories hold only 15/129 seats (third largest party) in the Scottish Parliament and14/60 seats in the Welsh Parliament (second largest, just 3 seats ahead of Plaid Cymru)
The comments on this article have been overwhelmingly negative. One reader humorously suggested 'A crappy green oak tree with a blue trunk? Oh, that's taken', in reference to the rather poor logo of the British Conservative Party that looks like the work of a Kindergarten student or drunk Young Tory.
Mr Montgomerie fails to grasp a number of issue here, which really isin't surprising for a hyped-up spin doctor. Firstly, if the Conservative Party had a serious Eurosceptic policy and their leader, Mr Cameron hadn't broken his 'cast-iron' pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, AKA the European Constitution, UKIP wouldn't be quite so effective. And European Parliament elections are held using proportional representation, which I assume dear Tim is not aware of. In terms of the dumb first-past-the-post system used in elections to the House of Commons, Montgomerie opposed the introduction of a different system, with the slur that it 'wasn't British'. Why should people vote for an inferior party, just to stop Labour winning? The inferior party should change and better represent people.
If it wasn't for their weak Eurosceptic policies, the Tories would be in majority Government today. This is evidenced by the result in Morley and Outwood, which the Conservatives lost by 1,101 votes. UKIP received 1,505 votes.
Of course, these policies and failures are not the only mistakes of the Conservative. Their support for carbon taxes, homosexual marriage, support for 'frequent flyer' taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe, climate change extremism, huge foreign aid spending during austerity, government healthcare, supporting mass immigration including illegal asylum seekers, opposition to selective schooling amongst other views, which contrast with UKIP and Australia's Conservative party, the Liberal Party
Maybe the real reason Montgomerie is trying to smear UKIP is the fear of more defections. Since he wrote his smart-alec article, Lord Stevens, a former Tory sitting in the House of Lords has defected as has a senior Tory councillor. More defections are likely. The Conservative Party is dying a slow death, having lost the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections. The 2010 elections resulted in a hung Parliament. It should also be noted the Tories hold only 15/129 seats (third largest party) in the Scottish Parliament and14/60 seats in the Welsh Parliament (second largest, just 3 seats ahead of Plaid Cymru)
Monday, 17 September 2012
Find this fascist: Islamist risks losing child
NSW Family and Community Services are hunting for the Islamofascist who photographed her young child holding a sign calling for the 'beheading of all those who insult the Prophet', after a request by the NSW Premier. The Daily Telegraph is also putting out a call 'Do you know the mother of child holding up the beheading placard? Email us at'

Lets hope this evil witch is tracked down, and her child taken into care
UPDATE: The mother has handed herself in. Let's hope she regrets her repugnant, third-world behaviour.
Lets hope this evil witch is tracked down, and her child taken into care
UPDATE: The mother has handed herself in. Let's hope she regrets her repugnant, third-world behaviour.
Labour savagery on display
British Labour politicians and members continue to disgrace themselves with vile and repugnant attacks on Lady Thatcher, who is frail and ill.
As the Daily Express reports:
'Councillor Darren Cooper, the leader of Sandwell Council in the West Midlands, had earlier repeated a message from another Twitter user saying: “Lady Thatcher: Rot in hell.”'
Other spiteful and sick messages:
'They included Florence Anderson, a member of Sunderland City Council, writing on Facebook that she hoped that Lady Thatcher will “burn in hell” when she dies.''Councillor Eion Watts, leader of Bolsover District Council, was quoted as saying: “I can assure you there will be parties up this way and the Northeast and everywhere else in coal mining areas when Margaret Thatcher passes on. Without any hesitation.'
This comes after a Trade Union Congress, attended by British Labour leader Ed Miliband, had a stall selling 'party packs' to celebrate the future death of Baroness Thatcher. The packs were marked with phrases such as 'Hey ho the witch is dead' and 'Ding Dong, Thatcher's gone'.
As The Sun reports '

T-shirts were also sold, and Mr Miliband was caught next to a Labour Council candidate wearing one, which says 'Thatcher. A generation of trade unionists will dance on her grave'

Labour has form in the area, with Labour leadership candidate in 2010 declaring he wished he had murdered Lady Thatcher. He drew 'loud applause and cheering' from union members.
As the Daily Express reports:
'Councillor Darren Cooper, the leader of Sandwell Council in the West Midlands, had earlier repeated a message from another Twitter user saying: “Lady Thatcher: Rot in hell.”'
Other spiteful and sick messages:
'They included Florence Anderson, a member of Sunderland City Council, writing on Facebook that she hoped that Lady Thatcher will “burn in hell” when she dies.''Councillor Eion Watts, leader of Bolsover District Council, was quoted as saying: “I can assure you there will be parties up this way and the Northeast and everywhere else in coal mining areas when Margaret Thatcher passes on. Without any hesitation.'
This comes after a Trade Union Congress, attended by British Labour leader Ed Miliband, had a stall selling 'party packs' to celebrate the future death of Baroness Thatcher. The packs were marked with phrases such as 'Hey ho the witch is dead' and 'Ding Dong, Thatcher's gone'.
As The Sun reports '
T-shirts were also sold, and Mr Miliband was caught next to a Labour Council candidate wearing one, which says 'Thatcher. A generation of trade unionists will dance on her grave'
Labour has form in the area, with Labour leadership candidate in 2010 declaring he wished he had murdered Lady Thatcher. He drew 'loud applause and cheering' from union members.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Sydney Islamist protests: one provocation too far
Virtually all Muslims in Australia have immigrated here. I don't think many arrived in 1788. Yet instead of being grateful to the welcoming country, they treat us like idiots. Some of the fascist, undemocratic, Islamist thugs are pictured below:

That child pictured with the threatning sign must be taken from that evil mother. That physcopath with the threatning sign should be jailed for advocating violence. We must take a tough stand and protect the Australian way of life from Islamfascism.
All those involved that can be deported, must be. That's why I support this petition: child pictured with the threatning sign must be taken from that evil mother. That physcopath with the threatning sign should be jailed for advocating violence. We must take a tough stand and protect the Australian way of life from Islamfascism.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Clive Palmer has made it his business to constanly publicly attack the Liberal National Party government in Queensland, for doing what it promised to the people and received an extraordinary mandate to do: cut public spending. Clive Palmer has clashed publicly with the party both federally and on a state basis, and must be expelled, if he does not resign.
We don't want you Clive, nor your money.
We don't want you Clive, nor your money.
UKIP looks to the future
Nigel Farage, the Leader of UKIP, also known as the United Kingdom Independence Party has revelead the party is planning to axe its famous logo:

The party also plans to rename officially as UKIP to broaden appeal outside of the European Parliament elections. The party has had great sucess in those elections, and in 2009 beat the ruling Labour party for second place. Mr Farage said the party has won the battle to keep the Pound, saying ''Our pound sign has been a fantastically simple image. But now it is in my opinion represents a battle honour and not a forward looking aspiration for a party that wants to represent an independent UK'' He also told the Daily Telegraph ''Most of the voters vote for UKIP. The UK Independence Party is a great name for the European elections and less appealing for domestic elections. From here on, Ukip it is.
The party also plans to rename officially as UKIP to broaden appeal outside of the European Parliament elections. The party has had great sucess in those elections, and in 2009 beat the ruling Labour party for second place. Mr Farage said the party has won the battle to keep the Pound, saying ''Our pound sign has been a fantastically simple image. But now it is in my opinion represents a battle honour and not a forward looking aspiration for a party that wants to represent an independent UK'' He also told the Daily Telegraph ''Most of the voters vote for UKIP. The UK Independence Party is a great name for the European elections and less appealing for domestic elections. From here on, Ukip it is.
“UKIP is a voice of opposition against the political class of this country''.
This is a fantastic idea. UKIP clearly has the potential to become the UK's largest Conservative Party, supporting small government and conservative principles, unlike the 'Modernised' Tory Party, that has been such a failure - losing the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections and having to form a Coalition with the left-wing Liberal Democrats at the 2010 election and already being well behind in the polls.
Nigel is the UK's most principled and likeable politician and will continue to take the party forward, with a new image.
This is a fantastic idea. UKIP clearly has the potential to become the UK's largest Conservative Party, supporting small government and conservative principles, unlike the 'Modernised' Tory Party, that has been such a failure - losing the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections and having to form a Coalition with the left-wing Liberal Democrats at the 2010 election and already being well behind in the polls.
Nigel is the UK's most principled and likeable politician and will continue to take the party forward, with a new image.
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