As the Daily Express reports:
'Councillor Darren Cooper, the leader of Sandwell Council in the West Midlands, had earlier repeated a message from another Twitter user saying: “Lady Thatcher: Rot in hell.”'
Other spiteful and sick messages:
'They included Florence Anderson, a member of Sunderland City Council, writing on Facebook that she hoped that Lady Thatcher will “burn in hell” when she dies.''Councillor Eion Watts, leader of Bolsover District Council, was quoted as saying: “I can assure you there will be parties up this way and the Northeast and everywhere else in coal mining areas when Margaret Thatcher passes on. Without any hesitation.'
This comes after a Trade Union Congress, attended by British Labour leader Ed Miliband, had a stall selling 'party packs' to celebrate the future death of Baroness Thatcher. The packs were marked with phrases such as 'Hey ho the witch is dead' and 'Ding Dong, Thatcher's gone'.
As The Sun reports '
T-shirts were also sold, and Mr Miliband was caught next to a Labour Council candidate wearing one, which says 'Thatcher. A generation of trade unionists will dance on her grave'
Labour has form in the area, with Labour leadership candidate in 2010 declaring he wished he had murdered Lady Thatcher. He drew 'loud applause and cheering' from union members.
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