Incumbent Conservative Mayor of London, Boris Johnson has defeated Labour challenger, 'Red Ken' Livingstone. Mr Livingstone, a left-wing extremist lost despite the nationwide trend against the Conservatives in local elections, including in the London Assembly. Liberal Democrat Brian Paddick was pushed into fourth place by Green Jenny Jones.
Meanwhile, UKIP's candidate running under the banner ''Fresh Choice for London'' sadly failed to capitalise on nationwide swings to UKIP, receiving only 1.96%. It was a clear mistake to abandon the UKIP brand recognition like that.
In the Liverpool mayoral election, the Conservatives suffered a shocking result, coming seventh, even behind the Trade Union & Socialist Coalition and the continuing Liberal Party.
In other local election news, George Galloway's far left Respect Party snatched five seats on Bradford City Council.
Nationally, Labour gained control of 32 councils and have an extra 823 councillors. Both the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives lost hundreds of seats.
The nationalist parties had mixed results; Plaid Cymru lost control of the one council it held and lost 41 councillors, while the Scottish National Party gained control of two councils, and won 61 extra council seats.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Friday, 4 May 2012
The Falklands are British
Argentina has continued with it's bizarre attempt at a Hostile Takeover of the Falkland Islands, despite the wishes of the people of the Falklands.
The British have claimed sovereignty over the Islands since 1690, and exercised control over the Islands almost continuously since 1833.Argentina was in control of the Islands for two months in 1832-33. Argentina also claims that Falkland Islanders do not have the right to self-determination - obviously because a significant majority on the Islands consider themselves British.
Argentina has crossed the line yet again, by filming an ad for their Argentinian Olympic Team on the Falkland Islands, titled ''Olympic Games 2012: Homage to the Fallen and the Veterans of the Malvinas''
and including this slogan: ''To compete on English soil, we train on Argentine soil''.
The video was filmed without approval of the Island Government. Falklands MP Ian Hansen criticised Argentina for ''politicising the Olympic Games'' and said ''It is deeply sad to see Mr Zylberberg (athlete) clambering over a war memorial. Sadly this illustrates the disrespect the Argentine authorities have for our home and our people''.
Mr Hansen also pointed out that ''At no stage does the video feature any Falkland Islanders - a clear reflection of Argentina's policy, which is to pretend that the people of the Falkland Islands do not exist''.
The Islands are British. They have always been, and subject to the ongoing support of Falkland Islanders, they always will be.
Mindless GetUp Spammers
GetUp are at it again, urging cyber revolutionaries to bombard Coles and Woolworths with spam messages on their respective Facebook pages.
GetUp, famous for their illegal bullying of retailers over the carbon dioxide tax, is now urging it's ''members'' (anyone who receives their emails - me, Tony Abbott's office, Steve Price, Andrew Bolt, media, etc) to spam the Facebook pages of Coles and Woolworths in some bizarre hope they will abandon all involvement in the poker machine industry because of empty, pathetic messages on Facebook.
I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their views - however controlling, moronic and impractical they are - but how will annoying spam change the world?
GetUp, famous for their illegal bullying of retailers over the carbon dioxide tax, is now urging it's ''members'' (anyone who receives their emails - me, Tony Abbott's office, Steve Price, Andrew Bolt, media, etc) to spam the Facebook pages of Coles and Woolworths in some bizarre hope they will abandon all involvement in the poker machine industry because of empty, pathetic messages on Facebook.
I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their views - however controlling, moronic and impractical they are - but how will annoying spam change the world?
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
More trouble for Thomson, Slipper
Breaking News
Australian Federal Police have launched a formal criminal investigation into Speaker Peter Slipper over allegations he misused his entitlements.
Meanwhile, Police have raided the Health Services Union's headquarters in Pitt Street in Sydney. Detectives raided the offices as part of their ongoing investigation into alleged corruption at the union.
Police in Sydney
Australian Federal Police have launched a formal criminal investigation into Speaker Peter Slipper over allegations he misused his entitlements.
Meanwhile, Police have raided the Health Services Union's headquarters in Pitt Street in Sydney. Detectives raided the offices as part of their ongoing investigation into alleged corruption at the union.
Even more EU waste
Britain is in recession, with massive public and private debt.
Yet ''Conservative'' Prime Minister David Cameron, who could not walk in the shadow of Lady Thatcher, refuses to hold a referendum on leaving the wasteful European Union.
Today more waste is exposed. This time, the EU foreign service, headed by Labour peer Baroness Ashton is demanding an extra £23 million (AUD$36 million) to run the EU foreign ministry.
The service even has a Mission in Australia, which Baroness Ashton recently visited. The European External Action Service currently costs £422 million (AUD$662 million) a year to run.
It has been revealed the service has also signed a £10 million (AUD$16 million) deal to fly the unelected eurocrats around the world in private jets. Baroness Ashton will now have the choice of aircraft including a Boeing 747 when she takes a trip.
The globe trotting Baroness Ashton
Related articles on the EU:
Yet ''Conservative'' Prime Minister David Cameron, who could not walk in the shadow of Lady Thatcher, refuses to hold a referendum on leaving the wasteful European Union.
Today more waste is exposed. This time, the EU foreign service, headed by Labour peer Baroness Ashton is demanding an extra £23 million (AUD$36 million) to run the EU foreign ministry.
The service even has a Mission in Australia, which Baroness Ashton recently visited. The European External Action Service currently costs £422 million (AUD$662 million) a year to run.
It has been revealed the service has also signed a £10 million (AUD$16 million) deal to fly the unelected eurocrats around the world in private jets. Baroness Ashton will now have the choice of aircraft including a Boeing 747 when she takes a trip.
Related articles on the EU:
Keneally tells Gillard: Dump tax
Former Labor Premier of NSW, Kristina Keneally has told Sky News Prime Minister Julia Gillard should dump or scale back the carbon dioxide tax.
Mrs Keneally said '''I think she needs to think seriously about whether she can revoke it or in fact whether she can lessen the impact ... dial it back somehow''. She said this would show Miss Gillard was listening to the people.
Mrs Keneally also suggested Miss Gillard could resign; ''The only other decision I think she could take is to resign''.
Mrs Keneally said '''I think she needs to think seriously about whether she can revoke it or in fact whether she can lessen the impact ... dial it back somehow''. She said this would show Miss Gillard was listening to the people.
Mrs Keneally also suggested Miss Gillard could resign; ''The only other decision I think she could take is to resign''.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Slipper the subject of further ridicule
Peter Slipper has been the subject of further ridicule after British actor Sacha Baron Cohen/The Dictator arrived at Sydney Airport demanding to speak to ''Slippery Pete''. He asked reporters for Slipper's phone number and told reporters ''Slippery Pete, I have come to meet Slippery Pete''.
The Dictator, Admiral General Shabazz Aladee
Peter Slipper
Gay Marriage to cost Cameron
British ''Conservative'' Prime Minister David Cameron, has been pushing for gay marriage, and intends to legislate for it soon. But a poll for the Daily Express reveals that the Tories could lose up to 30 seats as a result of the push. Opposition was most strong amongst voters that backed the party in 2010.
Cameron needs to stop being so arrogant, and listen to the people.
Cameron needs to stop being so arrogant, and listen to the people.
European Bureaucratic Madness
The EU monster has imposed its latest self-indulgent and bizarre on its member states, including the UK, ordering that British government departments fly the EU flag year round, and that bodies receiveing EU funding must acknowledge so in English and at least one foreign languages. Organisations targeted include Jamie Oliver's Cornish resturant.
According to the Daily Express ''The European Commission is said to be looking at tightening demands that organisations which get grants from its Regional Development Fund put EU branding on their publicity material – and send photographic proof to Brussels''
Clive Palmer for Lilley: Why not?
There has been a predictable reaction to the news that mining billionaire Professor Clive Palmer will contest LNP preselection for Wayne Swan's seat of Lilley. The media reacted with scorn, while Greens leader Christine Milne branded his bid as ''extraordinary''.
I think Clive Palmer would make a great MP. He is a Professor of Business, and has built an incredibly successful empire by himself. He is very generous and in 2010 gave 800 of his employees huge Christmas bonuses, another 750 employees 5 star holidays to Fiji, 60 other employees holidays to Port Douglas and his top 55 employees Mercedes Benz B Class Hatch cars.
No MP in Parliament has any near same business experience. Professor Palmer knows how to run a big business; knowledge and experience that would be extremely useful in a future Abbott Government. Professor Palmer has great vision and commitment to Australia. He wants Australia to be a wealthy nation.
Palmer is, of course, a colourful character. And we certainly need more of those in Parliament.
Monday, 30 April 2012
What changed on Thomson?
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard, yesterday said a ''dark cloud'' hung over Parliament and she had asked Craig Thomson to leave the Labor Party.

But even after the Fair Work Australia report was released, she continued to support him:
JULIA GILLARD: I have expressed my full confidence in the Member for Dobell and I continue to do so
So what has changed? Is Gillard aware of imminent charges against Mr Thomson over his alleged misuse of union member's money?
Craig Thomson
But even after the Fair Work Australia report was released, she continued to support him:
JULIA GILLARD: I have expressed my full confidence in the Member for Dobell and I continue to do so
So what has changed? Is Gillard aware of imminent charges against Mr Thomson over his alleged misuse of union member's money?
More lies from the ABC
The ABC has a sorry record of making/repeating the false claims of Britain's left-leaning Guardian newspaper that a private investigator hired by the now-defunct News Of The World had hacked into and ''tampered with'' voicemail messages on the mobile of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler. This record continued with this vendetta-style editorial from ABC Reporter Lisa Millar:
RUPERT MURDOCH: The News of the World was an aberration and it's my fault.
LISA MILLAR: And one he'd paid little attention to until it was revealed the paper had tampered with voicemails on a murdered girl's mobile phone and the hacking scandal imploded
Lisa Millar is simply wrong. Firstly, ''the paper'' was not directly responsible, a private investigator hired by them was. Secondly, the paper did not delete or ''tamper'' with the voicemail messages, as the Guardian has now admitted. Thirdly, if someone is not aware of particular circumstances, they cannot ''pay little attention'' to it.
The smirking smart aleck host of News Limited Watch (aka Media Watch) Jonathan Holmes has already refused to apologise for making similar claims.
RUPERT MURDOCH: The News of the World was an aberration and it's my fault.
LISA MILLAR: And one he'd paid little attention to until it was revealed the paper had tampered with voicemails on a murdered girl's mobile phone and the hacking scandal imploded
Lisa Millar is simply wrong. Firstly, ''the paper'' was not directly responsible, a private investigator hired by them was. Secondly, the paper did not delete or ''tamper'' with the voicemail messages, as the Guardian has now admitted. Thirdly, if someone is not aware of particular circumstances, they cannot ''pay little attention'' to it.
The smirking smart aleck host of News Limited Watch (aka Media Watch) Jonathan Holmes has already refused to apologise for making similar claims.
The world looks on with astonishment
The International media, particularly in the UK is looking on with astonishment at the political crisis in Australia - no doubt with catastrophic consequences for global investor confidence in political stability in Australia.
Agencies covering the drama include The Guardian (UK), The Scotland Herald, Daily Mail (UK), CTV Canada, Wall Street Journal, NZ Herald, Asian Age, BBC, Newstalk Radio (Republic of Ireland), China Post (Taiwan) and 7 Days in Dubai
These morally corrupt ''Independents'' such as Tony Windsor who laughingly calls himself ''The People Representaitve'' need to search themselves and their consciences and finally let the people have their say.
As for Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson, they should look at the national and international consequences and resign from Parliament immediately.
P.S, Slippery Pete. Is it all still a News Limited vendetta?
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