The comments on this article have been overwhelmingly negative. One reader humorously suggested 'A crappy green oak tree with a blue trunk? Oh, that's taken', in reference to the rather poor logo of the British Conservative Party that looks like the work of a Kindergarten student or drunk Young Tory.
Mr Montgomerie fails to grasp a number of issue here, which really isin't surprising for a hyped-up spin doctor. Firstly, if the Conservative Party had a serious Eurosceptic policy and their leader, Mr Cameron hadn't broken his 'cast-iron' pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, AKA the European Constitution, UKIP wouldn't be quite so effective. And European Parliament elections are held using proportional representation, which I assume dear Tim is not aware of. In terms of the dumb first-past-the-post system used in elections to the House of Commons, Montgomerie opposed the introduction of a different system, with the slur that it 'wasn't British'. Why should people vote for an inferior party, just to stop Labour winning? The inferior party should change and better represent people.
If it wasn't for their weak Eurosceptic policies, the Tories would be in majority Government today. This is evidenced by the result in Morley and Outwood, which the Conservatives lost by 1,101 votes. UKIP received 1,505 votes.
Of course, these policies and failures are not the only mistakes of the Conservative. Their support for carbon taxes, homosexual marriage, support for 'frequent flyer' taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe, climate change extremism, huge foreign aid spending during austerity, government healthcare, supporting mass immigration including illegal asylum seekers, opposition to selective schooling amongst other views, which contrast with UKIP and Australia's Conservative party, the Liberal Party
Maybe the real reason Montgomerie is trying to smear UKIP is the fear of more defections. Since he wrote his smart-alec article, Lord Stevens, a former Tory sitting in the House of Lords has defected as has a senior Tory councillor. More defections are likely. The Conservative Party is dying a slow death, having lost the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections. The 2010 elections resulted in a hung Parliament. It should also be noted the Tories hold only 15/129 seats (third largest party) in the Scottish Parliament and14/60 seats in the Welsh Parliament (second largest, just 3 seats ahead of Plaid Cymru)
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