Peter Slipper is a dill. Last night, he again took to Twitter to attack the media, only days after blaming a News Limited conspiracy for his downfall.
Mr Slipper accused News Limited of being the ''pits'' and a ''blight on democracy''.
What hypocrisy.
He voted with Labor in favour of the Private Health Insurance Rebate means testing in 2011, despite campaigning against the move during the election campaign.
Peter Slipper is a blight on democracy. He is an unworthy occupant of the Chair, and could not walk in the shadow of Harry Jenkins and other past Speakers. Someone deserting their constituents for money and power is the pits, not the media holding our politicians to account.
Since Peter Slipper thinks all Independent newspapers have a vendetta against him and are a ''blight'' on democracy perhaps he could start a newspaper..
Price: $10 (All proceeds go towards my limousine costs)Publishing All The News That (Peter Slipper Thinks) Is Fit To Print
All allegations are denied.
This week was a tiring week. News Limited continued to make up stories about me, in league with James Ashby and Tony Abbott. But I will continue to deny all allegations, despite the overwhelming evidence.
All allegations are denied.
P.S. I've still got to think of a reason why I was in Kings Cross at 4am. Oh yes, and what the following magazines have to do with my work: Australian Traveller, The Wine Magazine, Madison, Harper’s Bazaar, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Wealth Creator, Nature and Health, Men’s Fitness, Sport Diving, Wellbeing, Gourmet Traveller, Country Living UK, NZ House and Garden, Country Style, Vogue, GQ, donna hay magazine, House and Garden and Australian Aquarium Keeper,
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