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Thursday, 31 May 2012

BETRAYAL: Libs side with Greens, Labor to back gay marriage

Today, Conservative voters in NSW were betrayed when several Liberal and National Members of the NSW Legislative Council (Upper House) to back homosexual marriage.
Those who betrayed the party, voters, supporters, members and donors:
In order from left-right: Trevor Khan (Nat), John Ajaka (Lib), Scot MacDonald (Lib), Sarah Mitchell (Nat), Greg Pearce (Lib), Catherine Cusack (Lib)

The Hon. Trevor John KHAN,  B Juris LLB(UNSW) MLCThe Hon. John George AJAKA,  MLCThe Hon. Scot MACDONALD,  Masters in EnvMan UNE GCNAT BFin.Admin MLCThe Hon. Sarah MITCHELL,  MLCThe Hon. Gregory Stephen PEARCE,  BA LLB MLCThe Hon. Catherine Eileen CUSACK,  BEc(SocSc) MLC


  1. Your blog is gay.

  2. What's Leviticus got to do with Christianity? It pre-dates Christ's teachings by hundreds of years. Women who are not virgins when they get married should be put to death according to Leviticus. Do you also agree with that?
    Congratulations to those six members who voted with the motion to allow freedom of choice - a great Liberal tradition.

    1. What's Leviticus got to do with Christianity?
      It's in the Bible, genius.

    2. By the way, do you then support someones right to:
      *Choose to marry a 6 year old, like Mohammed
      *Choose to marry multiple partners eg: two men and two women
      *Choose to marry another animal

      Where do you stop? Choice has limits.
