Regulatory tyrant Lord Leveson has been left with egg on his face after he was caught out using Wikipedia to write his expensive and long report calling for government regulation of newspapers for the first time in 300 years.
As The Independent reports:
In his report the judge warned that inaccuracy in newspapers, “caused significant concern.” He also claimed that “The Independent was founded in 1986 by the journalists Andreas Whittam Smith, Stephen Glover and Brett Straub...”
The first two names are correct, but who is Brett Straub? His name first appeared in the Wikipedia entry on The Independent on 27 October 2011, when someone using the IP address removed the name of Matthew Symonds, genuinely one of this newspaper’s three founding journalists, and inserted “Brett Straub”.
With one year and government funded staff, you'd think he could at least check his sources. Fool.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Hamas' desperate forgery
Interesting article on Fox News - terrorist organisation Hamas has been caught out using images from conflicts in Iraq and Syria and passing them off as happening in Gaza. They have also been caught out using children as human shields.
Read more here
Read more here
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Police state - man charged for feeding horse
In a bizarre example of the British Police State, a man has been charged after feeding a police horse a sausage roll. The man was charged with 'breaching the peace' in Glasgow earlier this year. He defended his actions, claiming the horse 'looked hungry'. The man will go to trial next year.
This comes after an incident in 2006, when a Oxford University student asked a police officer if he realised his horse was 'gay'. He was arrested for 'homophobic' comments, and spent a night in the cells after refusing to pay a £80 fine.
This comes after an incident in 2006, when a Oxford University student asked a police officer if he realised his horse was 'gay'. He was arrested for 'homophobic' comments, and spent a night in the cells after refusing to pay a £80 fine.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
More reverse discrimination - UK not a free society
This is a sad case. Clearly, these two men felt aggrieved. But shouldn't everyone be entitled to choose who they rent a room in their house to? And why must everytime someone feels insulted they run to a court or tribunal screaming 'discrimination'?
As the Christian owner said:
'We believe a person should be free to act upon their sincere beliefs about marriage under their own roof without living in fear of the law.
'Equality laws have gone too far when they start to intrude into a family home.
'People’s beliefs about marriage are coming under increasing attack and I am concerned about people’s freedom to speak and act upon these beliefs'
A society is not a liberal and free one where tribunals intrude on people lives and homes in this way.
'People’s beliefs about marriage are coming under increasing attack and I am concerned about people’s freedom to speak and act upon these beliefs'
A society is not a liberal and free one where tribunals intrude on people lives and homes in this way.
GetUp - apolitical and independent?
'GetUp is an independent...organisation'
'GetUp does not back any particular party'
Really? That's odd considering the recently departed GetUp boss is aiming to despatch the Liberal Senator for the Australian Capital Territory, Gary Humphries. And of course at the 2007 election they published a website that always put Coalition candidates last regardless of information put in - something they were warned about by the Australian Electoral Commission was 'misleading and deceptive'
But can anything they say on their website be believed? After all they say
'GetUp is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on small donations to fund its work and in-kind donations from the Australian public. GetUp does not accept donations from political parties or the Government.'
These are the same people who accepted a rather large $1.2 million donation from the far-left Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union in 2010 to fund an anti-Tony Abbott ad.
'GetUp does not back any particular party'
Really? That's odd considering the recently departed GetUp boss is aiming to despatch the Liberal Senator for the Australian Capital Territory, Gary Humphries. And of course at the 2007 election they published a website that always put Coalition candidates last regardless of information put in - something they were warned about by the Australian Electoral Commission was 'misleading and deceptive'
But can anything they say on their website be believed? After all they say
'GetUp is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on small donations to fund its work and in-kind donations from the Australian public. GetUp does not accept donations from political parties or the Government.'
These are the same people who accepted a rather large $1.2 million donation from the far-left Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union in 2010 to fund an anti-Tony Abbott ad.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Creeping republicanism not welcome
In 1999, Australians clearly voted against removing The Queen as our head of state. In every state, Northern Territory and Norfolk Island, the vote was an overwhelming no. Despite this, some undemocratic left-wingers are determined to ignore that result, and the facts polls show even less back a republic than in 1999 (around 30% now), and continue with the agenda.
Some recent examples:
Some recent examples:
- Proposals to rename Queens Birthday Holiday in Western Australia - fortunately not backed by the Government (Similar proposals were made in New South Wales, but again rejected by the Government)
- Consideration at removing The Queen from Australian notes - fortunately the Reserve Bank scrapped the idea
- Attempts to remove portraits of The Queen (restored at NSW Parliament)
It's clear the Republicans are losing, but we must be vigilant.
Milne turns on Gillard, exposes hypocrisy
Greens leader Senator Christine Milne has turned on her governing partner, Prime Minister Julia Gillard accusing her of hypocrisy (a common theme amongst politicians), over her vile attacks against Conservative leader, Tony Abbott. She pointed to both Ms Gillard's defence of deluded former Speaker Peter Slipper over his comments about female genitalia and his comments that a conservative MP was an 'ignorant bitch' and the attacks on her by right-wing Labor senator David Feeny, who posted captions describing her 'emotional states'
People can see through Ms Gillard's desperate 'sexism' allegations - the real sexism comes from her party.
One of my favorite assesments of this farce has been from Shadow Seniors Minister, Bronwyn Bishop, who Labor has previously attacked over her age. Read it here
People can see through Ms Gillard's desperate 'sexism' allegations - the real sexism comes from her party.
One of my favorite assesments of this farce has been from Shadow Seniors Minister, Bronwyn Bishop, who Labor has previously attacked over her age. Read it here
Nikki Sinclaire: The Member for Hypocrisy
Nikki Sinclaire is a member of the European Parliament representing the West Midlands. In 2009, she was elected to represent the Eurosceptic party, UKIP. Not long after being elected, this grub refused to sit with UKIP in the European Parliament, because other members of UKIP's European-wide parliamentary group, Europe of Freedom and Democracy, in her words 'wanted me dead'. She claimed members of the group discriminated against her to the point of physical violence because she is a lesbian.
She has now formed how own bizarre little party with the name 'We Want a Referendum Party'. Obviously she was not satisfied with any of the failed Eurosceptic parties like Veritas, One London, Popular Alliance, No2EU, Libertas, English Democrats or the United Kingdom First Party. The embarrassing thing for Sinclaire is that one of the high-profile members of her new party is far-right bigot George Hargreaves.
Here he is at their very poorly attended little 'conference' (far-right on the picture, and in politics)
Here he is speaking:
Here he is at their very poorly attended little 'conference' (far-right on the picture, and in politics)
Here he is speaking:
The ironic thing is this man has extreme homophobic views. He is the leader of the Christian Party and has been involved with the Christian Voice group, an organisation that supports the death penalty for 'sodomy' ie homosexuality, want to overturn marital rape laws and holds other extremist views. In the 2007 Scottish elections, Mr Hargreaves described a candidate as a 'gay fundamentalist' and stated 'This is not about gay rights, it’s about gay wrongs'. The Christian Party's manifesto for the Scottish election contained proposals for the reinstatement of Section 28, banning of gay adoption and the prohibition of "acceptance or approval" of homosexuality in diversity training. It also claimed gay people die earlier - 'We will publicise the catastrophic effect of ungodly behaviour on the life expectancy and health of people, whom God loves and we should love; particularly homosexuality...'
One of the more bizarre statements he has made is that the Welsh flag is 'nothing less than the sign of Satan'.
When a Twitter user asked Nikki Sinclaire about this hypocrisy she wrote back:
Finally, she also claimed on Twitter that she is concerned about the 'democratic deficit' - well Nikki, perhaps you should resign from the Parliament and give your seat back to UKIP, like the people of the West Midlands chose.
This woman is a hypocrite, a liar and a disgrace.
UPDATE: This is not what this post was about, but here is the statement Christian Voice leader in support of the death penalty for homosexuality:
So the extremists threatening libel action should be quiet.
UPDATE: It's quite amazing how many comments below are made by people with the EXACT same IP address.
Insane Trolls.
Insane Trolls.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Deluded priorities: man in court over non-riots
The violent Islamist riots in Sydney last month caused outrage throughout the nation. But the NSW Police have decided that rather than track down those responsible for the sudden, mass-gathering, a man who sent 50 texts calling for revenge is the bad guy, despite no violent counter-demonstrations being held.
Read more here
Read more here
What a farce: European Union awarded Nobel Peace Prize
The European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in another blow to the credibility of the prize.
There have been many worthy recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, such as José Ramos-Horta, but the prize was brought into further disrepute today, when the European Union was awarded it, despite riots in Greece and Spain, mass unemployment, enormous debt and terrible social problems, such as parents abandoning their children at churches in Greece, unable to feed them.
The Committee awarding the prize have a history of getting it wrong; their 2007 award of the prize jointly to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was an embarrassment. They continued their poor record in 2009, awarding Obama the prize, despite him only being in office TWO WEEKS when the nomination was made.
Nigel Farage, the leader of the British conservative Eurosceptic party, UKIP slammed the decision.
"You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.
"Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.
"The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."
Mr Farage added, " The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake.
"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence."
This prize is nothing but a political honour bestowed too often on the far-left.
There have been many worthy recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, such as José Ramos-Horta, but the prize was brought into further disrepute today, when the European Union was awarded it, despite riots in Greece and Spain, mass unemployment, enormous debt and terrible social problems, such as parents abandoning their children at churches in Greece, unable to feed them.
The Committee awarding the prize have a history of getting it wrong; their 2007 award of the prize jointly to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was an embarrassment. They continued their poor record in 2009, awarding Obama the prize, despite him only being in office TWO WEEKS when the nomination was made.
Nigel Farage, the leader of the British conservative Eurosceptic party, UKIP slammed the decision.
"You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.
"Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.
"The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."
Mr Farage added, " The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake.
"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence."
This prize is nothing but a political honour bestowed too often on the far-left.
Monday, 8 October 2012
The deluded Earl of Queensland
Peter Slipper suffers from delusions. In his delusions, he is a Noble Politician, who The Queen cannot wait to raise to the peerage, despite the protests of all Australian's.
In his bizarre mind, he awaits the day when he will become 'Earl Slipper of Queensland' with expectation, and sobs when he meets the Queen. He told advisor James Ashby by text 'I cried when HM (Her Majesty) spoke. Am now a bubbling mess having met both HM and HRH (His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh)'
He is also apparently a fan of the Prime Minister writing excitedly 'Even got to kiss the PM'
More revealing, other than the fact the dear Earl Slipper needs to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, James Ashby repeatedly told him that questions about his 'sex life are not appropraite', despite being asked by Slipper whether he preferred 'twinks or bears', a gay sexual slang term.
In his bizarre mind, he awaits the day when he will become 'Earl Slipper of Queensland' with expectation, and sobs when he meets the Queen. He told advisor James Ashby by text 'I cried when HM (Her Majesty) spoke. Am now a bubbling mess having met both HM and HRH (His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh)'
He is also apparently a fan of the Prime Minister writing excitedly 'Even got to kiss the PM'
More revealing, other than the fact the dear Earl Slipper needs to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, James Ashby repeatedly told him that questions about his 'sex life are not appropraite', despite being asked by Slipper whether he preferred 'twinks or bears', a gay sexual slang term.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Hate cleric plays UK for fools
Radical hate preacher Abu Hamza has been held in prison in the United Kingdom since 2004, fighting extradition to the United States.
So far, the UK has done a terrible job trying to get rid of this maniac, who has expressed support for Osama bin Laden. The European Union even stepped in, with the European Court of Human Rights stopping his extradition, declaring he would not be 'treated humanely'.
Even The Queen tried to get rid of him. But yet the UK still allow this nutcase on their shores. He is now claiming he needs a 'MRI-scan' for his 'health problems'
What a farce.
So far, the UK has done a terrible job trying to get rid of this maniac, who has expressed support for Osama bin Laden. The European Union even stepped in, with the European Court of Human Rights stopping his extradition, declaring he would not be 'treated humanely'.
Even The Queen tried to get rid of him. But yet the UK still allow this nutcase on their shores. He is now claiming he needs a 'MRI-scan' for his 'health problems'
What a farce.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Sunday Telegraph should be ashamed
The Sunday Telegraph and its reporter Jonathan Marshall should be ashamed of themselves. Whilst Alan Jones did make some ill-advised comments here are the facts that are most concerning:
3.1 Do not use false names when representing a News Limited publication.
3.2 Do not try to get information or photographs by deception
5. Covert activities
5.1 Journalists and photographers may at times have to operate surreptitiously to expose crime, significantly anti-social conduct, public deception or some other matter in the public interest.
All such operations must be approved in advance by the editor. This approval will be given only where good cause exists to suspect crime or deception has taken place, and after all other means of gathering the facts have been exhausted.
The editorial executive must be satisfied the importance of publishing the information sought outweighs any damage to trust and credibility which your newspaper might suffer by allowing employees to operate surreptitiously.
Where appropriate, the nature and reasons for operating covertly should be disclosed to readers.
5.2 News Limited does not condone illegal acts by employees.
The conduct also likely breached the Australian Press Council General Statement of Principles
These News of the World style tactics are repugnant
- The recording of the meeting likely breached various NSW state laws which make NO provision for 'public interest'
- At the meeting, a call was put out: 'Are there any journalist' - this scumbag Marshall did not own up
- Mr Marshall's conduct breached the News Limited Code of Conduct:
3.1 Do not use false names when representing a News Limited publication.
3.2 Do not try to get information or photographs by deception
5. Covert activities
5.1 Journalists and photographers may at times have to operate surreptitiously to expose crime, significantly anti-social conduct, public deception or some other matter in the public interest.
All such operations must be approved in advance by the editor. This approval will be given only where good cause exists to suspect crime or deception has taken place, and after all other means of gathering the facts have been exhausted.
The editorial executive must be satisfied the importance of publishing the information sought outweighs any damage to trust and credibility which your newspaper might suffer by allowing employees to operate surreptitiously.
Where appropriate, the nature and reasons for operating covertly should be disclosed to readers.
5.2 News Limited does not condone illegal acts by employees.
The conduct also likely breached the Australian Press Council General Statement of Principles
These News of the World style tactics are repugnant
Slipper slammed by Judge
Former Speaker Peter Slipper, who is accused of sexual harrassment of a young male staffer with very strong evidence, refused to appear in court today to face the allegations
Not only is he a vile person, a hypocrite and a backstabber. He's a coward too.
Not only is he a vile person, a hypocrite and a backstabber. He's a coward too.
Advertisers defy the point of advertising
Advertising is meant to connect consumers with a certain product. So it seems odd that advertisers such as Coles, Woolworths, Mercedes-Benz, JJ Metro West, Bing Lee, Fantastic Furniture, Freedom Furniture, Testra, ING Direct and others have abandonded Mr Jones' 600,000+ auidence.
I wasn't aware you advertised purely if you support the views of the host.
I wasn't aware you advertised purely if you support the views of the host.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Left-wing British newspaper demands public funding, Fairfax next
A journalist and phone-hacker at left-wing British newspaper The Guardian has come up with an extraordinary way to save the dying newspaper, whose parent company last year lost £129.1 million ($A 200 million), with the newspaper contributing a loss of £75.6 million. David Leigh proposed a £2 ($A 3.11) a month levy for all British internet users.
As British political blogger Guide Fawkes says 'That’s right, they aren’t making money because people are not buying their papers, so they are now demanding a bailout'
How long until we see Fairfax and it's dying titles The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age demanding funding?
As British political blogger Guide Fawkes says 'That’s right, they aren’t making money because people are not buying their papers, so they are now demanding a bailout'
How long until we see Fairfax and it's dying titles The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age demanding funding?
Media Watch agenda exposed by authorities
The Australian Communications and Media Authority has found Media Watch, and it's host Jonathan Holmes breached the ABC Code of Practice 2011 with a broadcast attacking Daily Telegraph journalist, Andrew Clennell. Media Watch, which is obsessed with the Daily Telegraph was found to have not sought a response from Mr Clennell when Mr Holmes accused him of professional misconduct.
The Media Watch agenda kindly exposed by ACMA
The Media Watch agenda kindly exposed by ACMA
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Book of the week: Flying Free by Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage is the Leader of the UK Independence Party. The party campaigns for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, and now has a full manifesto. The party supports selective education, opposes massive immigration, but is a non racist party. The party also supports lesser government and fewer taxes, and is sceptical of human contribution to global warming. Sadly, the Conservative Party in the UK has moved further and further to the left under the leadership of David Cameron who described himself as a 'social liberal', is a fan of the EU and green taxes.
The UK Independence Party is extremely similar to the Liberal Party of Australia. It is a conservative liberal party. The party came second in the European Parliament elections in the UK in 2009.
Farage is a an admirer of Australia and John Howard, and a big supporter of the Commonwealth.
Watch him in action here and here and here and here
His excellent book is Flying Free.
''In an age of colourless bureaucrats, Nigel Farage is a politician who is impossible to ignore, provoking controversy and admiration in equal measure. A fun-loving iconoclast whose motto is work hard and play harder", Farage's charismatic leadership and determination to battle the forces of anti-libertarianism have made him a Robin Hood figure to many, and propelled his party, UKIP, into a position of real power in the country. Never one for a quiet life, this paperback edition includes the story of Nigel's extraordinary escape from death in a plane crash on the eve of the 2010 general election (the light aircraft he was flying in got caught up in a UKIP banner it was towing and crashed shortly after take-off, badly injuring Farage and his pilot), his recovery and return to the leadership of UKIP in November 2010. Featuring sometimes hilarious and often terrifying encounters with a stellar supporting cast, including Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Nicolas Sarkozy, Jose Manuel Barroso, and UKIP's short-lived, silver-gilt masco, Robert Kilroy-Silk - and told with Farage's customary wit and humour, Fighting Bull is a candid, colourful life story by a fascinating and controversial character. It also shows that one fearless, determined individual can still make a difference.''
I would strongly recommend this book as part of my new Book Of The Week article.
Note: This article was posted a few months ago, but due to technical problems, I have re-posted it.
The UK Independence Party is extremely similar to the Liberal Party of Australia. It is a conservative liberal party. The party came second in the European Parliament elections in the UK in 2009.
Farage is a an admirer of Australia and John Howard, and a big supporter of the Commonwealth.
Watch him in action here and here and here and here
His excellent book is Flying Free.

Note: This article was posted a few months ago, but due to technical problems, I have re-posted it.
Young Labor gets personal
NSW Young Labor have attacked this blogger over his coverage of the misleading Labor hate page.
The admin of the page accused me of being a 'conservative lackney'.
Unfortunately, the site admin has not addressed any of the concerns I raised yesterday.
They have not addressed why the page is pretending to be neutral
They have not addressed why they are hiding the involvement of the Labor Party head office
They have not addressed why the page does not contain an electoral authorisation
They have not addressed why they are posting insulting comments and photos
They have not addressed why they called the NSW Premier a 'scumbag'
They have not addressed why they say teachers will lose their job, depsite Government assurances
They have not addressed why they took party political signs into schools
Once they have addressed these issues, they can insult me all they like.
The admin of the page accused me of being a 'conservative lackney'.
Unfortunately, the site admin has not addressed any of the concerns I raised yesterday.
They have not addressed why the page is pretending to be neutral
They have not addressed why they are hiding the involvement of the Labor Party head office
They have not addressed why the page does not contain an electoral authorisation
They have not addressed why they are posting insulting comments and photos
They have not addressed why they called the NSW Premier a 'scumbag'
They have not addressed why they say teachers will lose their job, depsite Government assurances
They have not addressed why they took party political signs into schools
Once they have addressed these issues, they can insult me all they like.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
EXCLUSIVE: Labor caught out spreading propaganda and hate to school students
Note: If republishing this story, please credit Musings of a Young Conservative blog or
The NSW Labor Party have been caught out spreading malicious personal attacks and political propaganda to school students. The party founded a Facebook page called 'Students against school cuts', and have illegally failed to carry an authorisation.
In addition, the party has been caught out pretending the page was founded by non-political, independent concerned students with misleading lines such as 'We don't vote - so we need you to'. Other misleading statements include: 'We've started this page because high school and TAFE students deserve better. As high school students, we want a Government that increases funding for schools - not cut it. Join our parents, friends, teachers and family in supporting and speaking out against these cuts on our page.'
Yes. The so-called 'high-school student' happens to be NSW Labor boss Sam Dastyari. And this shameless farce continue, with the Labor party asking for donations:
Back to the Facebook page, and the party is spreading malicious comments and untruths to school students. They are also posting these photos:
Here is a most telling image. The image was posted in 'Canberra, Australia Capital Territory.' Why would a New South Wales student opposed to school cuts be in the ACT?
Here the page is posting a like to a site called 'Scumbag Barry', whilst a Labor supporter predicts Mr O'Farrell will lose the next election, despite having a huge majority and being well ahead in the polls:
But here are some of the most shocking revalations of all. The NSW Labor Party took unauthorised and potenially illegal signs into NSW Schools. Here are Newtown Performing Arts School students with Labor Party signs: and here are students of Sydney Girls High with the posters: Here are students of Pennant Hills High with the signs:!/media/set/?set=a.393991047336615.90719.392932850775768&type=3
The claims made on the page about teachers losing their jobs are hysterical and untrue. No teacher will lose their job, the Government has promised.
For some unknown reason, the page has also published these unflattering images of Mr O'Farrell and Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott:
You would have thought the NSW Labor Party had better things to do than set up vile abusive and juvenile Facebook pages.
UPDATE: Here is an ad flogging the site. These ads cost up to $2 per click. I highly doubt a 'concerned student' would fork out the money on this.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Bowen brings shame upon Australia over Wilders
Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen is continuing to shame Australia overseas, due to his appalling behaviour in relation to the granting of a visa to senior Dutch MP, Geert Wilders.
Whilst Mr Bowen immediately granted a visa to British Islamofacsist and hate cleric Taji Mustafa, he had deliberately sat on Mr Wilders application for three weeks. Whilst Mr Mustafa had called for the overthrown of democracy and Western values, Mr Wilders, the leader of the third-largest political party in The Netherlands has simply dared to speak against Islamic fundamentalism.
When questioned over his decision to grant Mr Mustafa a visa, Mr Bowen said 'I conduct myself, in relation to the character test, in accordance with my responsibilities under the act. To do otherwise would be to open the Commonwealth to potential overturning of the decision and a potential very serious compensation case' He also defended Mr Mustafa, saying he was 'not a member of a proscribed organisation and does not have a criminal record'
The Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has been forced to intervene and try to assist Mr Wilders, whilst Australia has received negative attention right around the world.
Mr Bowen must stop posturing and be consistent.
Meanwhile, a petition has been set up to call on Mr Bowen to follow his own standards, and grant Mr Wilders a visa.
Whilst Mr Bowen immediately granted a visa to British Islamofacsist and hate cleric Taji Mustafa, he had deliberately sat on Mr Wilders application for three weeks. Whilst Mr Mustafa had called for the overthrown of democracy and Western values, Mr Wilders, the leader of the third-largest political party in The Netherlands has simply dared to speak against Islamic fundamentalism.
When questioned over his decision to grant Mr Mustafa a visa, Mr Bowen said 'I conduct myself, in relation to the character test, in accordance with my responsibilities under the act. To do otherwise would be to open the Commonwealth to potential overturning of the decision and a potential very serious compensation case' He also defended Mr Mustafa, saying he was 'not a member of a proscribed organisation and does not have a criminal record'
The Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has been forced to intervene and try to assist Mr Wilders, whilst Australia has received negative attention right around the world.
Mr Bowen must stop posturing and be consistent.
Meanwhile, a petition has been set up to call on Mr Bowen to follow his own standards, and grant Mr Wilders a visa.
Media Watch caught out
Media Watch and their champagne socialist host Jonathan Holmes have been caught out trying to pull a hatchet job on Ray Hadley.
The Daily Telegraph reported one of the 10-15 staff who produce 13 minutes of television a week was monitoring Ray Hadley morning after morning and ignoring the ABC.
Read on to view the amusing hatchet job gone wrong:
The Daily Telegraph reported one of the 10-15 staff who produce 13 minutes of television a week was monitoring Ray Hadley morning after morning and ignoring the ABC.
Read on to view the amusing hatchet job gone wrong:
Gay activist says: bestiality OK
In 2008, leading gay activist Frank Kameny declared bestiality was acceptable. He wrote '
"Bestiality is not my thing. But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should."
This proves Cory Bernadi was absolutely spot on. Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal elites are opening the door to truly vile behaviour. Concede on one thing, and soon you'll have to concede on more.
"Bestiality is not my thing. But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should."
This proves Cory Bernadi was absolutely spot on. Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal elites are opening the door to truly vile behaviour. Concede on one thing, and soon you'll have to concede on more.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Oakeshott betrays electorate. Again.
In May this year, Rob Oakeshott, the MP propping up the Gillard Labor/Green Government was asked in an interview with The Sun Herald about homosexual marriage.
The paper reported he is a self-described 'social progressive'. It also reported
'He said that his electorate has made it clear it thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, and therefore he would vote against reforms in favour of gay marriage unless lobbyists could somehow change his community's sentiment'
Yet despite that, yesterday Mr Oakeshott walked into Parliament and voted for the failed gay marriage push, which was defeated 98-42.
Oh, Rob. Did GetUp and Australian Marriage 'Equality' miraculously 'change community sentiment' in those months? Yeah right.
Rob Oakeshott is an untrustworthy liar. He says one thing, and does the exact opposite. He joins the Nationals to get a safe seat, and stabs the party in the back. He deserves what is coming for him, which is losing his seat by a massive margin at the next election.
The paper reported he is a self-described 'social progressive'. It also reported
'He said that his electorate has made it clear it thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, and therefore he would vote against reforms in favour of gay marriage unless lobbyists could somehow change his community's sentiment'
Yet despite that, yesterday Mr Oakeshott walked into Parliament and voted for the failed gay marriage push, which was defeated 98-42.
Oh, Rob. Did GetUp and Australian Marriage 'Equality' miraculously 'change community sentiment' in those months? Yeah right.
Rob Oakeshott is an untrustworthy liar. He says one thing, and does the exact opposite. He joins the Nationals to get a safe seat, and stabs the party in the back. He deserves what is coming for him, which is losing his seat by a massive margin at the next election.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Barry O'Fail stabs Tony Abbott in back
NSW Premier Barry O'Fail has stabbed Federal Coalition leader Tony Abbott over gay marriage, the same day the Parliament voted gay marriage down 98-42. Mr O'Farrell, better known by the public as Mr O'Fail (after 18 months in office, 4 out of 10 don't know him), revealed he would give NSW Liberal members a conscience vote on gay marriage in the NSW Parliament, which is a federal issue. Under sections s51xxi and s51xxii of the Constitution, the Federal Government is given power over 'Marriage and divorce'
Yet arrogant, out-of-touch NSW mp's, including Nationals MP Trevor Khan and Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith evidently believe after only 18 months in office, they have already fixed the mess left by Labor during it's 16 years in office. They have fixed roads, health and everything else, and now, bored witless they have started tacking Federal issues, in breach of the Constiution.
Yet arrogant, out-of-touch NSW mp's, including Nationals MP Trevor Khan and Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith evidently believe after only 18 months in office, they have already fixed the mess left by Labor during it's 16 years in office. They have fixed roads, health and everything else, and now, bored witless they have started tacking Federal issues, in breach of the Constiution.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Duke and Duchess to visit
Exciting news: The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are to visit Australia from 5-10 November.
It is expected that Charles and Camilla will visit Longreach, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra
It is expected that Charles and Camilla will visit Longreach, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra
Wrong, Google. Search engine thinks Oakeshott, Windsor have principles
Google has mistakenly listed the political party of Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor as 'National Party of Australia'. Of course, the two traitors betrayed their voters by backing the Gillard Labor Government instead of the Conservative Coalition, that their respective electorates overwhelmingly preferred, as Senate results show: Lyne, New England. Both are not members of The Nationals, which of course is part of the Conservative Opposition. Both are Independents.
Top Tory's bitter UKIP rant
Tim Montgomerie, the editor of Conservative Party blog, conservativehome has published a bitter and smart alec rant about UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, Britains's only true right-of-centre conservative party. Mr Montomerie, a pro-modernising, pro-Cameron party hack who makes a fortune from his blog was commenting on the decision of UKIP to change its logo. Mr Montgomerie wrote ''My naughty suggestion would be a backdoor to signify the route by which pro-EU Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs get elected when UKIP divides the Eurosceptic and centre right vote'' He also suggested 'perhaps a drawbridge for the elements within the party that want the rest of the world to go away'
The comments on this article have been overwhelmingly negative. One reader humorously suggested 'A crappy green oak tree with a blue trunk? Oh, that's taken', in reference to the rather poor logo of the British Conservative Party that looks like the work of a Kindergarten student or drunk Young Tory.

Mr Montgomerie fails to grasp a number of issue here, which really isin't surprising for a hyped-up spin doctor. Firstly, if the Conservative Party had a serious Eurosceptic policy and their leader, Mr Cameron hadn't broken his 'cast-iron' pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, AKA the European Constitution, UKIP wouldn't be quite so effective. And European Parliament elections are held using proportional representation, which I assume dear Tim is not aware of. In terms of the dumb first-past-the-post system used in elections to the House of Commons, Montgomerie opposed the introduction of a different system, with the slur that it 'wasn't British'. Why should people vote for an inferior party, just to stop Labour winning? The inferior party should change and better represent people.
If it wasn't for their weak Eurosceptic policies, the Tories would be in majority Government today. This is evidenced by the result in Morley and Outwood, which the Conservatives lost by 1,101 votes. UKIP received 1,505 votes.
Of course, these policies and failures are not the only mistakes of the Conservative. Their support for carbon taxes, homosexual marriage, support for 'frequent flyer' taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe, climate change extremism, huge foreign aid spending during austerity, government healthcare, supporting mass immigration including illegal asylum seekers, opposition to selective schooling amongst other views, which contrast with UKIP and Australia's Conservative party, the Liberal Party
Maybe the real reason Montgomerie is trying to smear UKIP is the fear of more defections. Since he wrote his smart-alec article, Lord Stevens, a former Tory sitting in the House of Lords has defected as has a senior Tory councillor. More defections are likely. The Conservative Party is dying a slow death, having lost the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections. The 2010 elections resulted in a hung Parliament. It should also be noted the Tories hold only 15/129 seats (third largest party) in the Scottish Parliament and14/60 seats in the Welsh Parliament (second largest, just 3 seats ahead of Plaid Cymru)
The comments on this article have been overwhelmingly negative. One reader humorously suggested 'A crappy green oak tree with a blue trunk? Oh, that's taken', in reference to the rather poor logo of the British Conservative Party that looks like the work of a Kindergarten student or drunk Young Tory.
Mr Montgomerie fails to grasp a number of issue here, which really isin't surprising for a hyped-up spin doctor. Firstly, if the Conservative Party had a serious Eurosceptic policy and their leader, Mr Cameron hadn't broken his 'cast-iron' pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, AKA the European Constitution, UKIP wouldn't be quite so effective. And European Parliament elections are held using proportional representation, which I assume dear Tim is not aware of. In terms of the dumb first-past-the-post system used in elections to the House of Commons, Montgomerie opposed the introduction of a different system, with the slur that it 'wasn't British'. Why should people vote for an inferior party, just to stop Labour winning? The inferior party should change and better represent people.
If it wasn't for their weak Eurosceptic policies, the Tories would be in majority Government today. This is evidenced by the result in Morley and Outwood, which the Conservatives lost by 1,101 votes. UKIP received 1,505 votes.
Of course, these policies and failures are not the only mistakes of the Conservative. Their support for carbon taxes, homosexual marriage, support for 'frequent flyer' taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe, climate change extremism, huge foreign aid spending during austerity, government healthcare, supporting mass immigration including illegal asylum seekers, opposition to selective schooling amongst other views, which contrast with UKIP and Australia's Conservative party, the Liberal Party
Maybe the real reason Montgomerie is trying to smear UKIP is the fear of more defections. Since he wrote his smart-alec article, Lord Stevens, a former Tory sitting in the House of Lords has defected as has a senior Tory councillor. More defections are likely. The Conservative Party is dying a slow death, having lost the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections. The 2010 elections resulted in a hung Parliament. It should also be noted the Tories hold only 15/129 seats (third largest party) in the Scottish Parliament and14/60 seats in the Welsh Parliament (second largest, just 3 seats ahead of Plaid Cymru)
Monday, 17 September 2012
Find this fascist: Islamist risks losing child
NSW Family and Community Services are hunting for the Islamofascist who photographed her young child holding a sign calling for the 'beheading of all those who insult the Prophet', after a request by the NSW Premier. The Daily Telegraph is also putting out a call 'Do you know the mother of child holding up the beheading placard? Email us at'

Lets hope this evil witch is tracked down, and her child taken into care
UPDATE: The mother has handed herself in. Let's hope she regrets her repugnant, third-world behaviour.
Lets hope this evil witch is tracked down, and her child taken into care
UPDATE: The mother has handed herself in. Let's hope she regrets her repugnant, third-world behaviour.
Labour savagery on display
British Labour politicians and members continue to disgrace themselves with vile and repugnant attacks on Lady Thatcher, who is frail and ill.
As the Daily Express reports:
'Councillor Darren Cooper, the leader of Sandwell Council in the West Midlands, had earlier repeated a message from another Twitter user saying: “Lady Thatcher: Rot in hell.”'
Other spiteful and sick messages:
'They included Florence Anderson, a member of Sunderland City Council, writing on Facebook that she hoped that Lady Thatcher will “burn in hell” when she dies.''Councillor Eion Watts, leader of Bolsover District Council, was quoted as saying: “I can assure you there will be parties up this way and the Northeast and everywhere else in coal mining areas when Margaret Thatcher passes on. Without any hesitation.'
This comes after a Trade Union Congress, attended by British Labour leader Ed Miliband, had a stall selling 'party packs' to celebrate the future death of Baroness Thatcher. The packs were marked with phrases such as 'Hey ho the witch is dead' and 'Ding Dong, Thatcher's gone'.
As The Sun reports '

T-shirts were also sold, and Mr Miliband was caught next to a Labour Council candidate wearing one, which says 'Thatcher. A generation of trade unionists will dance on her grave'

Labour has form in the area, with Labour leadership candidate in 2010 declaring he wished he had murdered Lady Thatcher. He drew 'loud applause and cheering' from union members.
As the Daily Express reports:
'Councillor Darren Cooper, the leader of Sandwell Council in the West Midlands, had earlier repeated a message from another Twitter user saying: “Lady Thatcher: Rot in hell.”'
Other spiteful and sick messages:
'They included Florence Anderson, a member of Sunderland City Council, writing on Facebook that she hoped that Lady Thatcher will “burn in hell” when she dies.''Councillor Eion Watts, leader of Bolsover District Council, was quoted as saying: “I can assure you there will be parties up this way and the Northeast and everywhere else in coal mining areas when Margaret Thatcher passes on. Without any hesitation.'
This comes after a Trade Union Congress, attended by British Labour leader Ed Miliband, had a stall selling 'party packs' to celebrate the future death of Baroness Thatcher. The packs were marked with phrases such as 'Hey ho the witch is dead' and 'Ding Dong, Thatcher's gone'.
As The Sun reports '
T-shirts were also sold, and Mr Miliband was caught next to a Labour Council candidate wearing one, which says 'Thatcher. A generation of trade unionists will dance on her grave'
Labour has form in the area, with Labour leadership candidate in 2010 declaring he wished he had murdered Lady Thatcher. He drew 'loud applause and cheering' from union members.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Sydney Islamist protests: one provocation too far
Virtually all Muslims in Australia have immigrated here. I don't think many arrived in 1788. Yet instead of being grateful to the welcoming country, they treat us like idiots. Some of the fascist, undemocratic, Islamist thugs are pictured below:

That child pictured with the threatning sign must be taken from that evil mother. That physcopath with the threatning sign should be jailed for advocating violence. We must take a tough stand and protect the Australian way of life from Islamfascism.
All those involved that can be deported, must be. That's why I support this petition: child pictured with the threatning sign must be taken from that evil mother. That physcopath with the threatning sign should be jailed for advocating violence. We must take a tough stand and protect the Australian way of life from Islamfascism.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Clive Palmer has made it his business to constanly publicly attack the Liberal National Party government in Queensland, for doing what it promised to the people and received an extraordinary mandate to do: cut public spending. Clive Palmer has clashed publicly with the party both federally and on a state basis, and must be expelled, if he does not resign.
We don't want you Clive, nor your money.
We don't want you Clive, nor your money.
UKIP looks to the future
Nigel Farage, the Leader of UKIP, also known as the United Kingdom Independence Party has revelead the party is planning to axe its famous logo:

The party also plans to rename officially as UKIP to broaden appeal outside of the European Parliament elections. The party has had great sucess in those elections, and in 2009 beat the ruling Labour party for second place. Mr Farage said the party has won the battle to keep the Pound, saying ''Our pound sign has been a fantastically simple image. But now it is in my opinion represents a battle honour and not a forward looking aspiration for a party that wants to represent an independent UK'' He also told the Daily Telegraph ''Most of the voters vote for UKIP. The UK Independence Party is a great name for the European elections and less appealing for domestic elections. From here on, Ukip it is.
The party also plans to rename officially as UKIP to broaden appeal outside of the European Parliament elections. The party has had great sucess in those elections, and in 2009 beat the ruling Labour party for second place. Mr Farage said the party has won the battle to keep the Pound, saying ''Our pound sign has been a fantastically simple image. But now it is in my opinion represents a battle honour and not a forward looking aspiration for a party that wants to represent an independent UK'' He also told the Daily Telegraph ''Most of the voters vote for UKIP. The UK Independence Party is a great name for the European elections and less appealing for domestic elections. From here on, Ukip it is.
“UKIP is a voice of opposition against the political class of this country''.
This is a fantastic idea. UKIP clearly has the potential to become the UK's largest Conservative Party, supporting small government and conservative principles, unlike the 'Modernised' Tory Party, that has been such a failure - losing the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections and having to form a Coalition with the left-wing Liberal Democrats at the 2010 election and already being well behind in the polls.
Nigel is the UK's most principled and likeable politician and will continue to take the party forward, with a new image.
This is a fantastic idea. UKIP clearly has the potential to become the UK's largest Conservative Party, supporting small government and conservative principles, unlike the 'Modernised' Tory Party, that has been such a failure - losing the 1997, 2001, 2005 elections and having to form a Coalition with the left-wing Liberal Democrats at the 2010 election and already being well behind in the polls.
Nigel is the UK's most principled and likeable politician and will continue to take the party forward, with a new image.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Fairfax launches despicable smear campaign
Fairfax, the company which last financial year lost $2.7 billion and still refuses a board seat to Gina Rinehart, has decided in a last ditch attempt to help Labor, to lauch a foul smear campaign against Tony Abbott. All week The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age have attempted to revive baseless claims made that Mr Abbott punched a wall 'inches' from the head of Barbara Ramjan, who had just beaten him in a University election. The political editor of The Age, Michelle Grattan today published her third opinion piece in a week, attempting desperately to add credibility to these claims.
This morning, on Today Mr Abbott admitted he may have called Ms Ramjan 'chairthing' rather than 'chairperson' as she had asked to be called. Shock, horror. What a terrible insult.
But seriously, does it really matter that at 19, Mr Abbott called some far-left University opponent a 'chairthing'?
Mr Abbott put it well, declaring 'A lot of childish and immature things happen on student councils and I think I probably was guilty of using that silly phrase'.
If Fairfax can prove the allegation, 35 years old, then they should put forward some evidence, rather than University gossip and gutless claims made by political opponents.
This morning, on Today Mr Abbott admitted he may have called Ms Ramjan 'chairthing' rather than 'chairperson' as she had asked to be called. Shock, horror. What a terrible insult.
But seriously, does it really matter that at 19, Mr Abbott called some far-left University opponent a 'chairthing'?
Mr Abbott put it well, declaring 'A lot of childish and immature things happen on student councils and I think I probably was guilty of using that silly phrase'.
If Fairfax can prove the allegation, 35 years old, then they should put forward some evidence, rather than University gossip and gutless claims made by political opponents.
Twitter 'Trolls': The problem with censorship
Over the last few days, Sydney's Daily Telegraph has been running a populist campaign calling for government censorship, or namely 'new laws' to deal with abusive 'trolls' on Twitter. These calls are made with the best of intentions, but could lead to sinister consequences. I myself being a conservative blogger and Twitter user have copped my fair share of criticism online and through by blog. My view is, why not just ignore these faceless cowards? I don't know them, and couldn't care less what they think.
In the United Kingdom, much harsher laws have been enacted, most likely with good intentions, that have had serious implications for freedom of speech. One such example of a sinister consequence was the case of Liam Stacey, a 21 year-old biology University student from South Wales. He was weeks away from graduating and possibly becoming a forensic scientist. Earlier this year Liam was jailed for 56 days for breaching section 4A of the Public Order Act, after stupid comments he made on Twitter whilst drunk after Wales beat Ireland in rugby. This was the comment he made:
''LOL, F*** Muamba. He’s dead''. He made this comments after black Tottenham player Fabrice Muamba collapsed in the middle of a game. These comments are heartless and stupid. But do they warrant time in prison, especially when a Muslim gang who attacked a woman yelling 'kill the white slag' walked free? The gang who got a suspended sentence after kicking the victim in the head repeatedly and pulling her hair, also called the victim a 'white bitch' - despite these racial taunts. The out-of-touch magistrate Judge Robert Brown decided the attack was not racially motivated, and accepted the gang may have felt the 'victim of unreasonable force', after the victims boyfriend protected her. The thugs faced five years imprisonment for causing actual bodily harm for this hate crime.
In Liam Stacey's case, the judge declared I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence to reflect the public outrage at what you have done. This is the same judge Justice Wyn Williams, who in 2011 allowed a truly evil woman who killed her autistic son with a coat belt in an Airport hotel room to walk free, telling her she had 'been punished enough'. This of course didn't apply to racist Liam Stacey, who despite being booted from Swansea University and being vilified and condemned by the press and Twitter users alike.
Another example is Paul Chambers. In January 2010, Paul made this comment on Twitter ''"Crap! Robin Hood airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!!" The airport, in South Yorkshire was closed due to snow. In one weeks time, he was due to fly to Belfast in Northern Ireland to meet his girlfriend. Days later he was arrested.
He was prosecuted under section 127(1) of the Communications Act 2003, which prohibits sending "by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character". In May 2010, he was convicted and fined £1,000. Fortunately in July 2012, he was finally acquitted at the High Court. The prosecution cost taxpayers millions.
A more recent event was during the London Olympics. A 17-year-old, which the cowboys from Dorset Police insisted on calling a 'man' was arrested after sending 'malicious' messages to British diver Tom Daley, after he finished fourth in an event, and missed out on a medal. The message was not threatening. It was stupid, petty and mean: 'You let your dad down i hope you know that'. The Olympians father, Rob had died from brain cancer last year. Daley responded, exposing the 'troll' : 'After giving it my all... you get idiots sending me this...'
The 17-year-old then apologised on reflection:
In the United Kingdom, much harsher laws have been enacted, most likely with good intentions, that have had serious implications for freedom of speech. One such example of a sinister consequence was the case of Liam Stacey, a 21 year-old biology University student from South Wales. He was weeks away from graduating and possibly becoming a forensic scientist. Earlier this year Liam was jailed for 56 days for breaching section 4A of the Public Order Act, after stupid comments he made on Twitter whilst drunk after Wales beat Ireland in rugby. This was the comment he made:
''LOL, F*** Muamba. He’s dead''. He made this comments after black Tottenham player Fabrice Muamba collapsed in the middle of a game. These comments are heartless and stupid. But do they warrant time in prison, especially when a Muslim gang who attacked a woman yelling 'kill the white slag' walked free? The gang who got a suspended sentence after kicking the victim in the head repeatedly and pulling her hair, also called the victim a 'white bitch' - despite these racial taunts. The out-of-touch magistrate Judge Robert Brown decided the attack was not racially motivated, and accepted the gang may have felt the 'victim of unreasonable force', after the victims boyfriend protected her. The thugs faced five years imprisonment for causing actual bodily harm for this hate crime.
In Liam Stacey's case, the judge declared I have no choice but to impose an immediate custodial sentence to reflect the public outrage at what you have done. This is the same judge Justice Wyn Williams, who in 2011 allowed a truly evil woman who killed her autistic son with a coat belt in an Airport hotel room to walk free, telling her she had 'been punished enough'. This of course didn't apply to racist Liam Stacey, who despite being booted from Swansea University and being vilified and condemned by the press and Twitter users alike.
Another example is Paul Chambers. In January 2010, Paul made this comment on Twitter ''"Crap! Robin Hood airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!!" The airport, in South Yorkshire was closed due to snow. In one weeks time, he was due to fly to Belfast in Northern Ireland to meet his girlfriend. Days later he was arrested.
He was prosecuted under section 127(1) of the Communications Act 2003, which prohibits sending "by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character". In May 2010, he was convicted and fined £1,000. Fortunately in July 2012, he was finally acquitted at the High Court. The prosecution cost taxpayers millions.
A more recent event was during the London Olympics. A 17-year-old, which the cowboys from Dorset Police insisted on calling a 'man' was arrested after sending 'malicious' messages to British diver Tom Daley, after he finished fourth in an event, and missed out on a medal. The message was not threatening. It was stupid, petty and mean: 'You let your dad down i hope you know that'. The Olympians father, Rob had died from brain cancer last year. Daley responded, exposing the 'troll' : 'After giving it my all... you get idiots sending me this...'
The 17-year-old then apologised on reflection:
I'm sorry mate i just wanted you to win cause its the olympics I'm just annoyed we didn't win I'm sorry tom accept my apology.'
He later added: 'please i don't want to be hated I'm just sorry you didn't win i was rooting for you pal to do britain all proud just so upset.'
The 'troll' had hardly had a prize-winning upbringing. He lived alone at a guesthouse, lived on benefits and his father has 11 children. He also claimed he did not know the divers father had died.
The Daily Telegraph has pointed to threats made against Laura Dundovic, by a clearly insane 'troll' who threatened to cut off her head and shoot her in the street for not returning advances. Already in the case of explicit death threats, action can be taken, under existing laws. Perhaps Twitter users should also be able to block abusive users.
But Governments love to regulate. Governments love new laws, and certainly with a populist campaign behind new laws, they will find it hard to resist. I rarely agree with the Greens. They themselves love more government regulation. But Senator Scott Ludlam was absolutely spot on when he said 'This is hardly a place for additional government intervention'
As the old saying goes, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me' Let's ignore the pathetic trolls who thrive on oxygen and public attention. Let's rise above them.
UPDATE: I note that the Telegraph say they are not calling for 'new laws', just more harsh and rigorous enforcement of current laws
UPDATE: I note that the Telegraph say they are not calling for 'new laws', just more harsh and rigorous enforcement of current laws
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
A day in the life of the new NT Government
After the Country Liberal Party victory in last months Northern Territory election, the new government has got down to work. The Deputy Liberal Leader has been dumped, despite assurances and not been offered a Ministry, after four years of loyal service. Several senior Labor-appointed public servants have been sacked.
But today, their are two stories out of Darwin that deserve comment.
Firstly, the appointment of a smoker as Minister for Health is good news. The politcal correctness surrounding smoking and the draconian regulation and invasion of civil liberties warrant someone who will be sceptical of tough new laws. But, in not so good news, new Chief Minister Terry Mills, has declared he wants a memorial to Japanese soldiers who died during battle in Darwin during World War II. This is a slap in the face to all those Australians who died at the hands of the brutal Nazi's and their allies in Japan.
What next? A memorial where Hitler died, or perhaps as one Northern Territory News reader suggested, to the hijakers who died when they crashed a plane into the World Trade Centre?
But today, their are two stories out of Darwin that deserve comment.
Firstly, the appointment of a smoker as Minister for Health is good news. The politcal correctness surrounding smoking and the draconian regulation and invasion of civil liberties warrant someone who will be sceptical of tough new laws. But, in not so good news, new Chief Minister Terry Mills, has declared he wants a memorial to Japanese soldiers who died during battle in Darwin during World War II. This is a slap in the face to all those Australians who died at the hands of the brutal Nazi's and their allies in Japan.
What next? A memorial where Hitler died, or perhaps as one Northern Territory News reader suggested, to the hijakers who died when they crashed a plane into the World Trade Centre?
Greens support drops - their rise has peaked
The Greens have dropped to their lowest level of support since March 2009, according to the latest Newspoll survey. The Greens are now recording only 8% support. This comes after the Greens suffered swings against them at both the Queensland and Northern Territory elections this year, despite big swings against Labor. This also follows their loss of the Melbourne state by-election a district within Adam Bandt's federal seat, even though no Liberal candidate contested, and the Heffron by-election, where again, despite the absence of a Liberal they lost with a mere 4% swing.
Support for the party has clearly peaked. Without Liberal preferences, the party is also likely to lose their sole House of Representatives seat at the next election. Good riddance.
Support for the party has clearly peaked. Without Liberal preferences, the party is also likely to lose their sole House of Representatives seat at the next election. Good riddance.
Barnaby Joyce proves he's not fit for high office
Barnaby Joyce may be a Conservative. He may sound really good when he's yelling and screaming at anti-Carbon tax rallies. But he does not perform well as a team player, and can be an absolute boofhead.
For example on May 6 this year, Senator Joyce claimed that James Ashby, who has accused Speaker Peter Slipper of sexual harassment was 'only slightly less dodgy than Slipper'. This ill-advised comment resulted in a complaint of victimisation being made against the Senator.
Now, the man who is challenging respected Nationals MP Bruce Scott for preselection with the intention of becoming Nationals Leader and future Deputy Prime Minister, has contradicted Coalition policy, despite being a Shadow Minister.
Senator Joyce declared that the sale of a 93,000 hectare Queensland cotton farm to a Chinese consortium was a 'bloody disgrace'. His most astonishing claim was that the Gillard Government, which cannot install pink batts in roofs without killing people and burning down houses, should have nationalised the farm. Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey criticised Senator Joyce for his out-of-line comments 'Frontbenchers have a responsibility to be part of the team. Backbenchers can freelance because they are on the back bench'.
Senator Joyce needs to start acting professional and like a team player, or he should be sacked.
For example on May 6 this year, Senator Joyce claimed that James Ashby, who has accused Speaker Peter Slipper of sexual harassment was 'only slightly less dodgy than Slipper'. This ill-advised comment resulted in a complaint of victimisation being made against the Senator.
Now, the man who is challenging respected Nationals MP Bruce Scott for preselection with the intention of becoming Nationals Leader and future Deputy Prime Minister, has contradicted Coalition policy, despite being a Shadow Minister.
Senator Joyce declared that the sale of a 93,000 hectare Queensland cotton farm to a Chinese consortium was a 'bloody disgrace'. His most astonishing claim was that the Gillard Government, which cannot install pink batts in roofs without killing people and burning down houses, should have nationalised the farm. Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey criticised Senator Joyce for his out-of-line comments 'Frontbenchers have a responsibility to be part of the team. Backbenchers can freelance because they are on the back bench'.
Senator Joyce needs to start acting professional and like a team player, or he should be sacked.
Not the time, not the place: George Osborne booed at Paralympics
Whatever you think of British Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, it is unfair and petty to boo him when he is handing medals to heroic Paralympians. Mr Osborne, who has overseen tough budget cuts in the United Kingdom, and repeatedly backflipped on various policies from the pasty tax to fuel duty and many more is the most unpopular politician in the UK. He was also accused of hypocrisy after he cut taxes for the most wealthy, whilst increasing various other taxes, including on charities.
I am no fan of the Conservative Party - I favour the UK Independence Party (the low taxing, anti-carbon tax, Eurosceptic traditionalist party) - but the Paralympics should not be about politics, and those who booed Mr Osborne should be ashamed.
I am no fan of the Conservative Party - I favour the UK Independence Party (the low taxing, anti-carbon tax, Eurosceptic traditionalist party) - but the Paralympics should not be about politics, and those who booed Mr Osborne should be ashamed.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Time to boot Palmer
Clive Palmer has for months carried on with this ridiculous and absurd stunt that he was going to run for Parliament. First he was going to run for Wayne Swan's seat of Lilley. He even made banners saying 'Lilley election 2013. Swan's song' He then dodged a contest with Swan. He then suggested he'd take on Bob Katter in Kennedy or run for LNP preselection in Fisher. Today, he confirmed after months of speculation and shallow promises of 'exciting things', he would not run for LNP preselection anywhere. He claimed he could not run partly because of the Coalition's policy on illegal boatpeople. He stated 'I cannot allow children, women and men to die needlessly when the government or the opposition has the means to simply solve the problem by issuing a simple administrative direction'. Guess what Clive, with your open door policy, boatpeople will die at sea trying to get here. How is that compassionate?
Prof Palmer has undermined the Coaliton for months with this stunt, and this combined with his refusal to support mainstream Coaltion (and Labor) policies is grounds for his expulsion from the party, regardless of his cash.
Prof Palmer has undermined the Coaliton for months with this stunt, and this combined with his refusal to support mainstream Coaltion (and Labor) policies is grounds for his expulsion from the party, regardless of his cash.

Mining boom over: now watch the economy go bust
Australia avoided the global recession because of the large surplus left by the Howard Government, and because of the mining boom. Today, confirmation if we needed any: the mining boom is over, thanks to Labor. BHP Billiton, Australia's largest miner has been forced to scrap plans for further expansion and investment in South Australia (and Queensland), thanks to spiralling and world-record high labour costs and the carbon dioxide and mining taxes. In addittion, the 100+ regulations and conditions imposed by the SA Labor Government didn't help. More than 8,000 would have been created by this project. This comes just weeks after other major companies like Shell and Woodside delayed or cancelled planned investment.
More bad news in the economy today:
“Attacking individuals and specific industries doesn’t build confidence in our country – nothing good comes from this. It is particularly troubling when these attacks are directed at the resources sector, a part of the economy that has the potential to continue growing, creating jobs for many more Australian''
More bad news in the economy today:
- BHP's profit down 35%
- BHP to freeze new investment spending in 2013
- Insurance Australia Group profit down by 17%
- QANTAS loses $244 million, first loss in 20 years - company blames high costs and unions
- The company also cancels $9 billion investment in 35 new airliners
- Fairfax Media posts a massive $2.7 billion loss
- Rail freight company QR National confirms 900 jobs to go
- Sales slump continues at David Jones
“Attacking individuals and specific industries doesn’t build confidence in our country – nothing good comes from this. It is particularly troubling when these attacks are directed at the resources sector, a part of the economy that has the potential to continue growing, creating jobs for many more Australian''
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
The Nanny State strikes again: smoking BAN proposed
The Tasmanian Legislative Council has unanimously passed a motion calling for the ban of tobacco sales to anyone born after the year 2000. This shocking and astounding invasion of civil liberties was supported by all members. Apparently, that means the sole Liberal Vanessa Goodwin supported the motion.
No country in the entire world bans smoking. Finland and Iceland are said to be 'considering' such a proposal.
Apart from being a terrible invasion of human rights and civil liberties, this would create a huge black market. A quick Google search reveals 11, 700, 000 pages related to 'buy cigarettes online'. They are promoted as 'Tax and duty free', 'Free shipping' and '80% off'. Any smoker would simply go online or travel interstate, the government would lose revenue and the problem would go underground.
UPDATE: Liberal Shadow Health Minister in Tasmania has fortunately rejected this extraordinary plan. He said 'What's next, 50 lashes for people who break the rules?'. What a excellent way to put it. The plan was supported by Quit Tasmania, Tasmanian Cancer Council and the Asthma Foundation.
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Sinclaire dodges simple questions
Nikki Sinclaire is a Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands. She was elected as a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party in June 2009. Sadly, in January 2010, just months after being elected, she turned her back on the voters of the West Midlands and resigned from Europe of Freedom and Democracy, the European Parliament Party to which UKIP belongs. She claimed the group harboured 'racist' views, despite the assurances of popular UKIP leader, Nigel Farage. This was despite the fact her Parliamentary Advisor at the time, Gary Cartwright had unrenounced involvement in the far-right, having previously been a candidate and organiser for the far-right radical National Democrats. Mr Cartwright was also a regular contributor to the holocaust denialist Focal Point website. Mr Cartwright also maintanied an active association with the Springbok Club, which The Independent described as 'racist'.
She subsequently claimed 'sex discrimination' on the part of Mr Farage and the UK Independence Party. On 22 February 2012, Ms Sinclaire was arrested 'on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament'. She now sits in the European Parliament as a 'Non-Inscrit' or 'Non-Attached'. Most Non-Inscrits are 'far-right'. Some current far-right Non-Iscrit national parties: National Front France, British National Party, National Union Attack Hungary, Greater Romania Party and Jobik. These parties have been described as Neo-Nazi, Fascist, anti-Semitic, anti-Hungarian, anti-roma, racist, sexist and homophobic.
So, several days ago I sent the MEP a Tweet.
She subsequently claimed 'sex discrimination' on the part of Mr Farage and the UK Independence Party. On 22 February 2012, Ms Sinclaire was arrested 'on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud the European Parliament'. She now sits in the European Parliament as a 'Non-Inscrit' or 'Non-Attached'. Most Non-Inscrits are 'far-right'. Some current far-right Non-Iscrit national parties: National Front France, British National Party, National Union Attack Hungary, Greater Romania Party and Jobik. These parties have been described as Neo-Nazi, Fascist, anti-Semitic, anti-Hungarian, anti-roma, racist, sexist and homophobic.
So, several days ago I sent the MEP a Tweet.
She responded by saying I was 'sadly misinformed'.
Her claim of not being grouped with anyone is simply ridiculous. She sits with all those people I mentioned above. She then decided the best thing to do would be to simply block me. I didn't abuse her, I just asked a simple question. She is too gutless to respond with a proper answer. If she had even the slightest integrity, she would resign as a MEP and give her seat to UKIP.
Cancer Council fascists want to control what you eat
The Cancer Council Victoria may be well-meaning. But the latest 'survey' they have released makes for disturbing reading.
The study makes some rather frightening claims:
The study makes some rather frightening claims:
- 87% of those surveyed would support 'colour-coded packing' on food
- 83% supported a ban on advertising junk foods during popular children's programmes
- 87% supported government regulation of food companies to reduce the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods
- 89% supported restricting junk food advertising on websites
- 71% supported a 'fat tax' on 'junk' food - with the money 'used to make healthy food more affordable'
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Mitt Romney causes trouble in London
US Republican Presidential hopeful visited London last week; and boy did he make a fool of himself. So much so that The Sun labelled Governor Romney 'Mitt The Twit'.
Governor Romney's gaffes:
Governor Romney's gaffes:
- Appearing to forget the name of Labour Leader Ed Miliband during a joint press conference and refering to him as 'Mr Leader'
- Remarking that he had received a briefing from M16 - against protocol
- Labelling preparations surrounding the London games 'disconcerting' resulting in British PM David Cameron commenting 'Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere' apparently in reference to Governor Romney's management of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter olympics.
- Romney campaign official blasts Conservative Mayor of London Boris Johnson as 'eccentic, odd fellow' who's 'unbecoming attack' on Governor Romney was an 'indication of his bias towards President Obama' - absurd considering Mr Johnson is one of the most important politicians in the UK and cannot even vote in the US Presidential election
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Bar a miracle, Bandt can't win seat
The Greens have suffered a serious blow after failing to win the State seat of Melbourne. Inner-city Melbourne is no doubt the most left-wing area in Australia, and the only Federal Greens MP, Adam Bandt currently represents Melbourne.
But fortunately, Greens candidate for the state by-election triggered by the resignation of Labor MP Bronwyn Pike, Cathy Oke was defeated by Labor candidate Jennifer Kanis. Notably, no Liberal candidate ran for the seat and turnout is at a record low of 67%. This result is notably bad news for Mr Bandt. He was elected at the last federal election on the back of Liberal preferences. He received 36.17% of the vote, compared with Labor's 38.09%. As Victorian Labor secretary Noah Carroll said ''The Greens Party won't concede they've lost Melbourne, they won't concede that by voting with Tony Abbott on asylum-seekers that their view of 'humanitarianism' is costing lives, and they won't concede that Adam Bandt won his seat off the back of Liberal preferences''
But the Greens have clearly panicked. In Ms Oke's concession she claimed '...if the same swings are repeated in the next federal election, we will retain the federal seat of Melbourne''. This is incorrect. Do the maths. At the Victorian state election in 2010, the Greens had a swing towards them of 4.5%, with the Libs running. At the by-election, without the Liberals running, the Greens had a swing towards them of roughly 4.6%. So, let's say Labor has a swing against it of around 6% (I'd think a generous figure, national polling has a 6% swing). Keep in mind when Bandt won his seat, Labor suffered a huge swing of 11.4%. A swing of 6% from Labor to the Greens would reduce Labor's primary vote to 32.09%. Bandt's primary vote would increase to 42.17%. The Liberals received 21.00% of the vote in 2010. This is likely to increase. Even staying the same, with Liberal and other candidate (Sex Party & Family First both preferences Labor this by-election) preferences flowing strongly to Labor, Labor should win the seat.
And a good thing too. These elitist, uncompromising, patronising eco-fascists have no place in modern Australian politics.
But fortunately, Greens candidate for the state by-election triggered by the resignation of Labor MP Bronwyn Pike, Cathy Oke was defeated by Labor candidate Jennifer Kanis. Notably, no Liberal candidate ran for the seat and turnout is at a record low of 67%. This result is notably bad news for Mr Bandt. He was elected at the last federal election on the back of Liberal preferences. He received 36.17% of the vote, compared with Labor's 38.09%. As Victorian Labor secretary Noah Carroll said ''The Greens Party won't concede they've lost Melbourne, they won't concede that by voting with Tony Abbott on asylum-seekers that their view of 'humanitarianism' is costing lives, and they won't concede that Adam Bandt won his seat off the back of Liberal preferences''
But the Greens have clearly panicked. In Ms Oke's concession she claimed '...if the same swings are repeated in the next federal election, we will retain the federal seat of Melbourne''. This is incorrect. Do the maths. At the Victorian state election in 2010, the Greens had a swing towards them of 4.5%, with the Libs running. At the by-election, without the Liberals running, the Greens had a swing towards them of roughly 4.6%. So, let's say Labor has a swing against it of around 6% (I'd think a generous figure, national polling has a 6% swing). Keep in mind when Bandt won his seat, Labor suffered a huge swing of 11.4%. A swing of 6% from Labor to the Greens would reduce Labor's primary vote to 32.09%. Bandt's primary vote would increase to 42.17%. The Liberals received 21.00% of the vote in 2010. This is likely to increase. Even staying the same, with Liberal and other candidate (Sex Party & Family First both preferences Labor this by-election) preferences flowing strongly to Labor, Labor should win the seat.
And a good thing too. These elitist, uncompromising, patronising eco-fascists have no place in modern Australian politics.
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