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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Not offensive and a massive overreaction

It's sad when the media can beat-up a story and invade peoples personal privacy to do so. Clearly, in some cases, privacy cannot be respected due to public interest.
But what can be the justification of invading someones personal Facebook account and using their images without permission - especially when the image is harmless?

Nick D'Arcy and Kenrick Monk hardly have the best records. But how can an image of two young men  holding guns at a US gun shop be ''offensive'' and ''controversial''? More to the point, these young men were in the USA to train for Australia at the upcoming London Olympics. How can taking some time off on the last day and having some harmless fun turn into such a media circus?

Sadly today the AOC has jumped aboard the bandwagon of hysterical condemnation and declared the pair will be sent home from London as soon as their swimming events conclude as ''punishment''. Punishment for what? Shame on the media for this beat-up. One dishonourable mention must go to the Herald Sun for its despicable attemp to somehow connect the innocent photo and the Port Arthur massacre.

D'Arcy Monk
UPDATE: Extreme hypocrisy from Swimming Australia and the Australian Olympic Committee

libby trickett

Sunday, 3 June 2012

60 Years of Service

More than 60 years ago, on February 6 1952, a young woman became Queen, due to the death of her father. At no doubt what would have been a terribly sad time for the young Princess, Elizabeth rose to the occasion. On June 2 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. Since then, Her Majesty has lived through incredible times. During her time as Queen, 13 Prime Ministers have led Britain and 23 Leaders of the Opposition. 12 Prime Ministers of Australia have come and gone. She is a symbol of continuity, and in Australia, a symbol of good government and our Colonial British heritage. She is a much loved figure in Australia, and despite the hopes of Labor and the Liberal Left, Australian's still overwhelming favour the monarchy. God Save the Queen!
 File:Elizabeth and Philip 1953.jpgHer Majesty with Prince Philip on Coronation Day

Google pays tribute to The Queen (yesterday)

Going viral: online reaction to my gay marriage poll

A few days ago, I asked my Facebook ''fans'': ''Should Conservatives such as Catherine Cusack and Scot MacDonald have backed gay marriage''
Never could I have anticipated the reaction. I received abusive emails, calling me a bigot and even some rather threatening ones. Catherine Cusack posted on my Facebook wall ''Who are you?'', not once but twice. Trevor Khan MLC, another Coalition member who backed the Greens gay marriage motion defened his position, and quoted British Prime Minister David Cameron, who also backs same-sex marriage. The same Conservative who backs further European Integration, who will not allow a referendum on Europe, is planning reform to change the historic House of Lords in spite of party backlash and even apologised to Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams. Mr Cameron also wrote to Prime Minister Julia Gillard, backing our carbon tax, a major insult to Tony Abbott. Cameron also announced he would change the current British Climate Change levy to a carbon tax.

Catherine Cusack also had more to say. She declared ''I am not a "conservative". I'm a Liberal.'', which would certainly come as a huge surprise to the millions of conservatives in Australia who support the Coalition. She also wrote ''Freedom. Free choice, free markets, and the never ending battle against collectivism telling us what we think, stealing our sweat and bullying us into doubting our own identity and self worth. A Liberal and bloody proud of it!'' I replied that ''Freedom and free choice are not limitless. For example do we allow use of illicit drugs, polygamy, child sex and bestiality? Where do you draw the line?''

Bruce Notley-Smith, the Liberal MP for Coogee, who is gay, backed the change. Troy Grant, the Nationals MP for Dubbo voted No in my poll, as did a user describing themselves as ''Portmac LiberalParty''. Meanwhile, ACON staff voted yes in my poll. That hardly comes as a surprise. Other users who voted yes openly admitted on their profiles to supporting the Greens and Labor.

I think everyone for their contributions. This is an important debate to have (hopefully a civil one), especially for Liberal and National Party members.  We must ensure those we preselect and elect stand up for what we as party members broadly believe in. Most party members and voters believe in protecting family values and traditions.

UPDATE: A note on who I am and why I don't reveal my true identity. Like many political bloggers, who are not published my a major news site I blog anonymously. One example of this is Professor Bunyiptude. Another is Guido Fawkes This is to protect myself and my family. Given the abusive reaction by some to my poll and my post on gay marriage, I think that decision is vindicated. Any anyway, whats the problem?
I describe myself in the ''About Me'' section.